NewsSealing Of Secretariat: PDP Abia Accuses Gov. Otti Of Witch Hunt, Property...

Sealing Of Secretariat: PDP Abia Accuses Gov. Otti Of Witch Hunt, Property Government’s Own – Abia State Government


By Daniel Maduka

The Abia State Headquarters of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, was on Wednesday February 7 2024 sealed by Officials of   Umuahia Capital Development Authority UCDA .


This is even as the Acting State Vice Chairman/ Publicity Secretary of the Abia PDP,,Comrade Abraham Amah has accused the Labour Party  LP  controlled Abia State Government of deliberate acts of witch hunting, intimidation and harassment.

The UCDA officials, accompanied by some stern looking security personnel, stormed the PDP Secretariat on St Finbars Road Umuahia, the State capital and ordered out all members of staff, including the Party’s Adminstrative Secretary, before sealing the building.

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Comrade Amah who, in an exclusive interview with   The Source ,accused  Governor Alex Otti’s led Abia State Government of masterminding the development, said it smacks of a well orchestrated plan to muscle opposition voices in Abia State.

But the Abia State Government claims the property belongs to the State. However, not a few people insist that even if that was true, the State House ought to have followed due process and given the occupants of the property notice to quit.

Speaking to this medium, Amah said: “A few minutes ago , the Administrative Secretary called to inform me that some officials from the UCDA accompanied by hordes of security personnel invaded the secretariat,and ordered everyone out before proceeding to seal the building.

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“For one,  our party staff and officials were not told the reasons for the action.

However, whatever be the  reasons, I believe that law and due process demand  that we be informed about any plan to seal our Secretariat and the possible reasons for it.

“But in this case, nobody and/ or entity wrote to the party. No official communication as to what we may have done wrong and or failed to do as demanded of us by law.

“The building to the best of my knowledge, was donated to the PDP by one of our stakeholders. And since ,we have been there for years now, nobody has come to stake contrary ownership including the Government.

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“So for the Abia state  Government using the UCDA to come and seal the place, without any prior notice, is tantamount to a deliberate act of intimidation, harassment , and witch hunting.

It is targeted at silencing opposition voices in Abia State by the LP-led administration.

“But, I want to assure that as a party, we can not be intimidated,” Amah stated.

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