FeaturesDon't Support Sit-At-Home From Pulpit, Uzodimma Tells Clergy

Don’t Support Sit-At-Home From Pulpit, Uzodimma Tells Clergy


Governor Hope Uzodimma of Imo State on Friday commended the leadership of the Anglican Church in Owerri for initiating a prayer session over insecurity in the state in particular and Nigerian at large and challenged other faiths to emulate them.

Governor Uzodimma made the commendation in his remarks at the maiden prayer session organised by the Owerri Ecclesiastical Province of the Anglican Church.


The event which held at the Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu Square, New Owerri, was tagged: Imo Prays and had as the theme: Healing the land.

The Governor said the event was not only timely but sends clear signal that the Anglican Communion was committed to ensuring and partnering with government to ensure that our society is rid of insecurity and the attention of God drawn to the nefarious activities of the perpetrators.

Governor Uzodimma said: “I am very very glad to note that our religious leaders are showing concern about the protracted insecurity situation in the country, particularly in Imo State and the South East.

“Indeed, this initiative by the Owerri Ecclesiastical Province of the Anglican Communion to pray for security in the country, is not only creative, but very reassuring. It opens a refreshing new page on the need for all hands to be on deck in finding lasting solution to the insecurity we are witnessing in Nigeria.

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“I commend the Owerri Ecclesiastical Province of the Anglican Communion, for providing this breath of fresh air to address our security challenges. I am hoping that other religious leaders  – both Christians and Muslims – will emulate this noble and patriotic initiative of the Anglican Communion. This is important because concerted prayers from all faiths, across the country, will go a long way in appealing to the conscience (if any) of both the criminals, and their sponsors to do a rethink, at least for the sake of God.

“Beyond this spirited prayers from the faithful, indeed I am almost certain that God has intervened, given the showers of blessing that he has just sent down.

“As Christians,  we are assured of God’s intervention through prayers.This is why I am filled with hope, that with the special intervention of the Anglican Church, and other religious groups,  we shall surely overcome and not overwhelmed by this monster of insecurity.”

However, Governor Uzodimma challenged the Church leaders not to use their offices (pulpit) to give vent to thoughtless sit at home directives that are often dished out from the quarters of those who do not mean well for the development of Imo State, the South East and the Nigeria.

He said that the Church has a critical role to play in the upbringing of our children and in bringing succour  to the helpless, noting that leaders of Churches should at all times partner with the government on how to deal with situations that affect the society.

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The governor said he was aware that part of what is fuelling insecurity in the land was the army of youths who are not employed and hinted that his government had risen to the occasion by revamping industries in Imo State like the Adapalm, Standard Shoe Industry,  Nsu Ceramic Tiles Industry, among others, as a way of engaging the youths in meaningful activities.

He further challenged parents to take keen interest in what their wards do so that they do not fall into the hands of those out to destroy their future by engaging them in criminal activities.

Governor Uzodimma promised to protect the lives and property of Imo citizens and solicited the prayer of the Church for the security agencies whose personnel have often paid supreme price to secure our environment, adding that with the help of God and our ceaseless prayers Imo State shall not witness further bloodshed.

Earlier in his remarks, the host, Archbishop of Owerri Ecclesiastical Province, Most Rev. (Dr.) DOC Onuoha thanked Governor Uzodimma for finding time to be part of the event despite his busy schedule.

He said God answers prayers and that he was nit surprised that having listened to the supplications of his people caused showers of rain that signifies blessing.

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The Archbishop maintained that prayer remains a veritable instrument to deal with society’s seemingly intractable challenges and called on the congregation to take the issues bugging Imo, South East and Nigeria to God in prayer.

He therefore directed that the prayer will hold annually on every November 19. “What we have had today is the maiden edition. It is now going to be an annual event, meaning that we will all be here by God’s grace in greater number come November 19, 2022.”

The preaching was given by the Diocesan of Ideato in Orlu,  Rt. Rev. Henry Okeke who anchored his message from 2nd Chronicles, 7:14.

Prayer intercession was held for The Church, Nigeria, Imo State and the Family. One of the prayer points was for bloodshed to stop in Imo State and for those behind the insecurity to be exposed no matter where they may be hiding.

The event was well attended by top government officials including the Deputy Governor Prof Placid Njoku, the Deputy Speaker of Imo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Amara Iwuanyanwu, the Secretary to the State Government, Chief Cosmas Iwu, Hon. Commissioners, the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Barr. Nnamdi Anyaehie among others.

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