Diving in Bahia de Los Angeles

We went on three dives with Ricardo Arce the owner of Ricardo’s Diving Tours.

email: ricardoarcen@hotmail.com

Telephone: 011 52 (200)124-9262

He is a great dive master and I recommend you contact him for your trip to Bahia.


We saw a million (or more) fish


This was not a coral reef but the bay was teeming with life.


Including lots of what we think of as reef fish.


Visibility was about 40 ft


This is a creature that seems to be somewhere between a starfish and a crinoid.  We saw it clinging to the little bits of coral that grow in the bay.

The water was about 80 F most of the time but there were serious thermo-clines where the temperature dropped into the low 70’s.  These are the first underwater photos I have ever taken.  I used an Olympus camera and housing I borrowed from Mark Z.  I wanted it to document that we actually did swim with the whale sharks.  And it worked (see the whale shark blog post)

See all of the Bahia de Los Angeles photos on Flickr

All of my Bahia de Los Angeles posts

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