Fondly Remembering Father Isaac on His Third Death Anniversary

Fr Arockia Rayappan –

Father Isaac was a missionary priest serving in the Archdiocese of Nagpur. Father Isaac was ordained priest on January 1, 2007. He served as secretary to the Archbishop, an assistant parish priest, professor at Seminary, parish priest and manager of a School at Seoni. He left for his heavenly reward[1]  due to Covid-19 pandemic[2] on April 30, 2021. He silently manifested his missionary commitment. His life brimmed with loyalty to Jesus his Lord and Master by remaining obedient to his Archbishops. He was ready and ever available for service. He loved the company of his brother priests. He was blessed with amicability towards all people, especially, the poor. He came across as a serene and peaceful person. Memory of him gently reminds of the following biblical verse from the Book of Sirach 6:14-17: “Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; those who fear God will find them. Those who fear the Lord enjoy stable friendship, for as they are, so will their neighbors be.”

The Nagpur Archbishop and the Formator Remember Him

Archbishop Elias Gonsalves was the local bishop of Nagpur when Father Isaac left for his heavenly abode. He was kind enough to pen down some precious words on April 22, 2024, in memory of Father Isaac’s third death anniversary: “In my tenure as Archbishop, Father Isaac Rathnaswamy served as both procurator and chancellor, personifying the essence of service and dedication. His astute management as a procurator ensured the smooth functioning of the Archbishop’s House, his unwavering commitment to fairness and justice, served as a guiding light for all. He seriously took his pastoral responsibility. With his intellect and gentle nature, he left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing him. Though he rests in the bosom of the Father, his absence is deeply felt in the Archdiocese, a testament to his enduring influence.” At Father Isaac’s funeral mass[3] in Saint Francis De Sales’ Cathedral, the Archbishop provided an honest testament to the unassuming life of Father Isaac. He then recalled Father Isaac as a simple, silent, loyal, and humble priest. Further, he recounted that Father Isaac had lost both his parents earlier and his younger brother a few months before his death. According to the Archbishop, Father Isaac suffered much because of the loss. Yet, he always treasured those painful experiences in the silence of his heart and pondered over it in the light of faith.

Father Professor Kuruvulla Pandikattu, S.J., who is formator at Papal Seminary and professor at Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology at Pune, fondly recalled Father Isaac saying, “I had the good fortune of being close to Isaac as a bachelor’s student and later as a master’s student. He was unassuming, calm, composed and always radiated a smile that stem from the depth of his being. He was approachable and affable.  He was a man of God, who lived for others. May Isaac be a symbol of our living hope in humanity!”

Rest well, my friend, till we meet again!

We both were trained by the priests of Indian Missionary Society in Vishwa Jyoti Gurukul during our B.Ph., and the Jesuits in Papal Seminary, Jnana Deepa, and JDV PG Block during our B.Th., M.Ph., and MPM studies. I personally witnessed his faithful prayer life and experienced his friendship throughout my academic, formative, and ministerial days. As part of the Student Missionary League (SML), we visited the Hindu families in the neighbourhood of Christ Nagar (Varanasi) and built a cordial relationship with them through our visits to them twice a week. We engaged in the rehabilitation and empowerment of children at high risk in Sarva Seva Sangh, Pune on a weekly basis. We also taught the children of the commercial sex workers at Budhwar Peth in Pune.  

Father Isaac’s life was adorned with Marian elements. For example, he was born in October, month of Rosary; ordained on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and he died on the feast of Pius V, the Pope of the Rosary. Late nights and in his private time, he was found praying the Rosary. May his prayers bear fruit in our lives of service and ministry.

[1] This article is dedicated to health care professionals who died serving the lakhs of victims of the terrible Corona virus, including the administrative staff at hospitals who gave their all to provide the help needed for the Covid-pandemic victims and those of our families who are now with the Lord. Father Kuru, S.J., exhorts saying, “May their selfless and transformative sacrifice enable us to change the way we live the way we treat our sisters and brothers and the way we deal with nature.” At this time, the author and Father Kuru, S.J., prayerfully remember the Priests and Jesuits (from Papal Seminary) who died during the Covid-pandemic namely Father Johnson Muthappan of Trivandrum Archdiocese on January 25, 2021, Father Lawrence Burle of Chanda Diocese on April 12, 2021, Father Doma Ratnakar of Vijayawada Diocese on April 27, 2021, Father Ambrose D’Souza of Karnataka Province on May 11, 2021, Father J. Lourduswamy of Dindigul Diocese on May 25, 2021, Father Cherian Nereveetil of Angamaly-Ernakulum Archdiocese on May 27, 2021, Father Y.G. Prasad Ignatius of Madras Mylapore Archdiocese on June 10, 2021, Father Sebastian Shankurickal of Angamaly-Ernakulum Archdiocese on June 16, 2021 2021. May their souls rest in peace! We pray for the spiritual consolation and support for their bereaved families.

Arockia Rayappan is a priest of Delhi Archdiocese and a Ph.D. student at Concordia University, Canada. His doctoral research explores practical, resourceful, and sustainable ways to foster social and religious harmony through Basic Ecclesial Communities in the contemporary Indian multi-cultural, pluri-religious, social, economic, and political milieu. He dedicates the articles on Vatican II and Jubilee 2025 to the friends, teachers, professors, formators, and spiritual guides at College Platon, Jnana Deepa – Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Papal Seminary, Vishwa Jyoti Gurukul, Vinay Gurukul, Saint Jude Thaddeus’ School, to the victims of the Covid-pandemic, particularly to the late Fr. Isaac who died on April 30, 2021 , during the first wave of Covid-19. The author’s contributions have been published in Indian Catholic Matters, The New Leader, The Voice of Delhi,  Dilli Vaani, JDV Times, The Indian Currents, The Herald, The Examiner, News and Views, Ishvani, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection – VJRT, (Vidyajyoti College, Delhi), The Tablet (Brooklyn, USA), Golden Key – GKA, (Atlanta, USA), and Journal of the Council for Research on Religion – JCREOR, (School of Religious Studies, McGill University, Canada).

[2]  Messenger Nagpur, “Final Journey of Rev. Fr. Isaac | Priest of the Archdiocese of Nagpur,” YouTube Video, May 1, 2021, 01.00 – 25.14,

[3] Messenger Nagpur, “Funeral Mass of Fr. Isaac & Sr. Zita Oliveira (Good Shepherd Sister) @SFS Cathedral Nagpur,” YouTube Video, May 1, 2021, 35.33 – 38.08,

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