Pocket Litter
Pocket Litter

After a washing, the jeans are ready to wear, but you feel a lump where there should be no lump – in the pocket you find some detritus that represents something that cannot survive the wash. Pocket Litter!

It happens often, but usually it’s scrap paper, receipts, or a wrapper from your favorite lozenge. Every so often it’s something you wish you had caught – a doggie biscuit makes the worst crumbly mess! You will be digging out crumbs for a while. It makes it unto the deepest corner of the pocket and wedges in for the ride. Until you dig it out, or wash again.

I’ve washed my pocket knives, writing utensils, and pocket change. Most survive the experience, but every so often they damage the clothes and present a hazard when transferring tot he dryer, or to their final fold.

Here’s My Thought Today

Life has many pieces of detritus left in the crevices and cracks, the remanent of some action. It got me to thinking about our actions that produces the litter that is worth nothing than to be tossed to the refuse pile.

What have you found in your pockets after a washing and drying, and before you fill your pockets with the tools you need today? Consider what you do with the pocket litter. Now, consider that’s someone’s life. Share on X

Even another person’s life. Think about it. How many times have we actionably or by lack of concern left someone in a vulnerable position where they are worth nothing but to be tossed aside. Wayside. Left overs. Wasted talent and personality.

What’s the long term effect? Words we say, things we do, and suddenly, someone is tossed away to never be thought about again.

Hatchet Lady

Our companies had merged and a specialist was brought in to look for fluff and make the decision – who stays, who go’s, and how quickly does it happen. We called her the Hatchet Lady. She was brutal. A witch. A specialist. Doing her job, she seemed to enjoy the role!

Makes me wonder how many bodies were lay to waste by her ultimate decision? Who never recovered, or did they learn how to bounce back? How many went down fighting? Did anyone come to their aid? Did a manager fight back, or were they more worried about their own survival?

From retail, to corporate, and even to houses of worship, someone new comes in and suddenly everyone is fighting to be valuable! I’m worth saving! Help me change! I can do it!

Flip Side

We understand that when challenging times comes someone has to make the tough decisions. New vision often mean weeding out those who cannot adapt. One leader says you simply “promote” them to new roles, maintaining their self esteem. Another simply looks at the bottom line. You stay! You, Outta here!

Staying Viable

Through my corporate and spiritual years, I’ve always kept my eyes to the future. Where are we going? What skills will I need? What personality traits do I need to adjust, or allow to exist?

In that same company, I had a position where I set up dinosaur programmers onto the new platform of Personal Computers. It changed the way they thought about their jobs, their morning habits of starting their tasks, and how to react to the problems they faced throughout the day. More times than one, they would beg for the olden days of “dumb terminals”. More than one them simply quit, not able to adapt. Those that rolled with the punches became some of the best sellers of invention! “Hey! This is Great!” (Rolling out the words like Tony the Tiger!)


This is where I find myself in these years leading to back up from the focus and charge I have been doing for 40+ years. Where I used to sit on the bleeding edge of technological change, I find it’s easier to let others bleed and test out the new world and hop on the band wagon at a slower time a little on down the road.

Yes. I want to keep apprised of the changes, but I don’t have the money, time or energy to quickly adapt to the new horizons.

The fear is that I, along with many others, will simply become Pocket Litter. Forgotten. Taken through the wash and dry cycle. And found to be nothing worth hanging on to.

Equally, I don’t want to be the one to not take into account those who are struggling with the new tech. It’s my “calling” and job to keep them viable, adapting to the new world as well as they can, and help them to know how to fit in and not be tossed after the pockets are cleaned out.

What kind of personality are you?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!