Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers

On a recent trip to Texas, I visited an H.E.B. grocery store (started by Florence Butt in 1905 and carried on by her son, Howard E Butt in 1919) with my sister to get a few things for a Saturday morning family gathering… The check-out lady had a toy soldier at her register… I asked for permission to take a picture of it.

Why? I have an eclectic interest in just about anything, and everything that surrounds me. You never know what will captivate my thinking juices!

Toy Soldier at Register of HEB

So… I asked her what it was all about?

“We give them away to everyone! Go over by the door and get one! The sign explains it all.”

But then she explained it to me, and I immediately went over to the entrance door and got my own soldiers!

So. Here I am finally getting around to sharing this with you. By the front entrance was this chalkboard sign and a box full of toy soldiers. No one was in charge of the operation. You could peruse the box and find the one you want, or as many as you want, and take it home!

H.E.B. box of Toy Soldiers free for the taking to remember our soldiers.

Now. I have these two soldiers at my computer just in front of and below my monitors. I pray I always remember those that defend our liberties and do so with no thought about their personal future or safety. Heroes!

I wish more businesses would take ownership of this kind of tribute. Of course, in our modern society, soldiers, along with First Responders, are not always appreciated. Nor is “prayer” a word that some would use. Instead, remember them in your “thoughts“. It is true that we have holidays, days set for remembrance, but as with most of these days, we do what we want and do not take the time to honor.

Okay. Whatever works for you. However, we should continually be thankful for those who put their lives on the line to protect all of us. From Benjamin Franklin and many others before him, this old adage sort of hits the sweet spot of remembering, but I’ve adjusted it so that it applies to me…

Teach me, I forget.
Show me, I remember.
Involve me, I understand.

Can you agree to this? You learn best not from a voice speaking, or an example given, but rather by your personal involvement.

Here’s my thought today.

As for as me and my house… (Joshua 24:15, Psalms 5:7) …we will pray and believe in the pathway of prayer.

Praying is something we do daily, and often. I’ve written about prayers often enough, but can you imagine that every breath a Christian inhales and then exhales, can be a prayer of blessings, or request for healing, or even an answer to some other dilemma. It’s not a formal process of going to our storehouse (closet) of prayer as Jesus taught in Matthew 6, but it is that heartfelt statement from us to God.

Then, I set my heart at ease. It’s out of my hand, and in His.

How about setting up a memory tool for considering the needs of those we often worry about? Maybe it’s the immigrants that are seeking a better life or asylum from persecution. Or how about all those prisoners behind bars that are largely forgotten by most of us, unless you have a family member or close friend incarcerated. The homeless. Aborted. Elderly. Poor. Shut-ins. Long term care facilities. Whatever your category of concern, how about putting some memory calories at work and praying for them. Regardless of your belief system, all these lives represent a stain on our national image when we choose to ignore them.

So. Choose to remember. Maybe it will help you vote differently in the next election, or not allow you to cavalierly pass by those who are in need. Even more so, maybe it will simply open the door of you involving yourself in another person’s life so as to show gratitude for their sacrifice.

Jesus even taught that giving a simple cup of water if done for Christ’s sake, is not a wasted effort. (Mark 9:41) This causes me to remember a song about giving a cup of water… No. I won’t sing it here, but in my mind, I am humming the words right now!

Today. You may read my words and forget immediately what I say. Remembering is important. Involvement shows yourself a caring person, and it points the way for that next generation that is just looking for an opportunity to grow.

Teach me, I forget.Show me, I remember.Involve me, I understand. ~My version of an old adage that works best for me! Share on X

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!