New Day Rising
New Day Rising

Wake up! It’s a new day! Your world is wide open before you! Get out and make it a good one!!! Drum roll! Bugle call! Roll Call! On your mark! Get set! Go!

Yes. Yes. New day. New drama. Reality says there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s simply the same ol’ story. It’s almost like that proverbial rabbit who doesn’t have a tail.

“Same song. Second verse.
Could get better but it’s gonna get worse!”

Though the drama of the news cycle and the reality of life seems to keep us limping from all the wounds, there is hope for something brand new every morning. As I glance up the stairs to that dreaded office with the load of work, and as I open my news app to see what totally went wrong over night, I shake myself out of the fear and frustration I feel.

Get a Grip! Look for the positive! Trounce the negative! Grab a new bit of hope today with this simple thought:

There’s a better day coming!

Maybe it should not be surprising, but we often see how bad news brings despair. The longer we think the negative, the heavier the load and the harder it becomes to look upwards, and onward.

History tells us that there is a recovery process after every disaster or war. Though the nation may return to a level of normalcy, there are many individuals who will be content to stay in the throes of reliving the loss, or victory.

It’s like they get stuck in this cycle, and seasonally they never move forward.

The writer of the Old Testament book, Lamentations, starts with the recitation of the failure of Israel. Her kings, citizens, lands and cities. Failure. Loss. Sin. Invasion. Conquered.

However, it’s like the writer has found himself in despair so deep that the only way out is to look up. He remembers something from his youth, maybe even something he’s heard from the prophet, but it ignites a faint light of hope in his heart.

“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.”  
Lamentations 3:21-25 (KJV)

Wake up in the morning and continually expect bad news, well, that’s what you’ll find. But wake up looking for the blessings that come from God and are available every single morning, and you will find them!

Think About It

You can live constantly in the state of fear and dread, or you can change the way you look at life because you have the Hope that comes from your creator!

God can reverse your fortunes, change your path, give you new answers to the same ol’ problems! He can broaden your steps, give you options, create results that you never thought available!

Why? How? His compassion and mercy is new every morning! His faithfulness will never fail us!

What has to change? Me. I’m probably the worst enemy of my productiveness ever! I talk myself to the ledge and keep me glued with immobility because I’m mine own worst enemy!

You can change who you are. Begin today. Wake up. Look for the blessedness of God in everything you do, and you will find he’s there. Just before the verse where the writer describes Jesus as the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8), he puts this hopeful thought into my reading.

Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have:
for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”  
Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)

You can change who you are. Begin today. Wake up. Look for God in everything you involve yourself in. He’s there. All the time. Share on X

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!