Elon Musk Slams Hollywood: ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Is ‘Pushing Civilization Toward Suicide’


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[Elon Musk is saying a lot of good things. But we need to see what he does. Jan]

Twitter boss Elon Musk has slammed Hollywood and warned that the entertainment industry has been “penetrated” by “the woke mind virus.”

In a post early on Friday morning, Musk said he believes the left-wing political bias is having a devastating negative impact on society.

He noted that the lack of counter-narrative in entertainment is a major part of the problem.

Musk asked Twitter “What do you think of the culture war?”

A Twitter user responded: “I think the Right needs to start funding more artists, filmmakers, and writers instead of politicians and super-PACs.

“You don’t win a naval war without any ships, and you can’t win a culture war without any culture.

“We’ve been reacting too long.

“Time to go on the offensive.”

Musk said: “I am neither conventionally right nor left, but I agree with your point.

“The woke mind virus has thoroughly penetrated entertainment and is pushing civilization towards suicide.

“There needs to be a counter-narrative.”

Musk also gave an update on his new verification system that has the Left up in arms:

“All verified individual humans will have same blue check, as boundary of what constitutes ‘notable’ is otherwise too subjective.

“Individuals can have a secondary tiny logo showing they belong to an org if verified as such by that org.

“Longer explanation next week.”

A Slay News reported earlier, Musk revealed that he is launching a blanket amnesty next week to restore most accounts that were permanently suspended.

According to Axios:

Elon Musk announced Thursday a “general amnesty” for suspended Twitter accounts from next week, “provided that they have not broken the law” or engaged in “egregious spam.”

…Worth noting: Musk pledged to concerned advertisers after taking over Twitter that the platform would not become a “free-for-all hellscape” and tweeted Thursday that hate speech had declined on the site following a “spike.”

“I have half a mind to wag my finger at the 1500 accounts that caused the spike, but I shall forebear,” he said.

Musk said last week he’d deemphasize “hate” or “negative” tweets while also having previously suspended accounts reinstated.

Source: https://slaynews.com/news/elon-musk-issues-warning-to-hollywood-the-woke-mind-virus-has-thoroughly-penetrated-entertainment-and-is-pushing-civilization-towards-suicide-there-needs-to-be-a-counter-narrative/

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