The Queen’s Chronicles – Prom Weekend

Well hello May! I know I said it last week but, seriously, May is always such a sprint to summer. I feel like we have all these activities building up and then someone hits the button and says “go”. The good news? We survived the first weekend!

Since May 1st we have logged 2 dance recital nights, 3 playoff baseball games (2 out of town) and prom! Somehow I managed to miss taking any pictures of dance due to the torrential rains and a cranky girl battling allergies but made up for it with an overload of prom pics!

I did manage to catch this moment when we walked off with the win in the bottom of the 8th inning to advance to the 2nd round of playoffs!

Prom was magical as always and this was a fun group and they all looked so pretty! Taking pictures at a super popular place in town was a lot tricky for group pictures for sure so you will have to take my word for it.

Belle actually made their flowers in her floral design class and the turned out so pretty. The girls have switched from wearing a wristlet corsage to carrying bouquets so it’s a good thing she made her own as I would not have had a clue!

I mean…isn’t she just the cutest little thing? She plays soccer and I almost always see her in shorts s it was so fun seeing her all dolled up.

Such a fun night with friends! Their high school hosts after prom bash from midnight to 4am so needless to say it was a long night and a lazy Sunday!

Hope you all have a super week!

Linking with Weekending | Hello Monday with HeatherJohannaLindsay & Tanya

The Queen\'s Chronicles - Prom Weekend

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