Free Event for Businesses Considering ISO 9001


Two Cornish companies are to celebrate achieving ISO 9001 status by helping other businesses in the county get to grips with the reasons behind gaining the accreditation.

St.Agnes based, UKNetWeb, and neighboring business, Forward ITC, both undertook the ISO 9001 accreditation process last year and will be presented with their certificates, marking completion of the application process, at a special event later this month.

The event aimed at helping interested businesses to understand the business benefits associated with ISO status will feature talks from the two companies, as well as a presentation from the company responsible for assessing and granting the new statuses.

Toby Parkins, Managing Director of UKNetWeb said, “We have worked very hard to achieve the ISO status and have seen the positive effects on our business and planning model. We aim to help other businesses, who may want to gain the status for themselves, understand what it means to apply, and what the process can do for their business.”

“Many businesses may be under the impression that the status is nothing more than a marketing ploy but there is so much more to it than that. It is about putting the customer at the centre of everything you do and committing to a set of standards that are universally adopted across your organisation.”

The event will take place over lunch on Wednesday the 18th June, starting at 12.30pm. Rojer Isaacson of Forward ITC, Toby Parkins of UKNetWeb and Roger Preston from International Management Systems Marketing (IMSM) will each present a short presentation and then be on hand to offer advice to interested businesses.

Anyone wanting to find out more should contact Aren Grimshaw at UKNetWeb for more details on / 01872 555933.

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