Travelling Tips for the Disabled

Unlike the past, people with disabilities are now recognised and less discriminated. Many countries have laws that protect, guide and make their lives easier. Many public buildings have also been designed or renovated to accommodate people with disabilities.

Due to these improvements, people with disabilities can now travel on holidays or business trips to distant places. However, with all these improvements, travelling for people with disabilities remains a challenge for them, especially when going alone or flying to an unknown destination. Below is a guide to help people with all types of disabilities travel safely.

  1. Plan ahead.

Planning is the key to success. This is very important because it reduces the risk of inconvenience encounter while travelling. Booking flights and hotel rooms are a priority, but it is imperative to warn family and friends in advance. Then they can prepare and even pick up the disabled person from the airport.

However, what if there is no family in friends at the destination, what then? It is imperative that a disabled person receives adequate support from their travel agency or choose a travel agency that offers a wide variety of accommodations like Interhome.

  1. Reserve hotels suitable for people with reduced mobility.

Hotels with facilities adapted for people with reduced mobility are very convenient as people with disabilities can move freely with a minimum of effort. Most of these hotels also have particular emergency protocols to ensure the life people with disabilities. Unlike some hotels where these problems are overlooked.

  1. Use a travel agency that offers travel packages for people with disabilities.

Booking flights and hotel rooms at travel agencies offering accessible travel solutions is beneficial in many ways. They make sure to book accessible hotels and airlines for their disabled guests. They strive to provide services and suggestions that ensure their customers travel comfortably.

  1. Understand and know your rights at the airport.

Travelling for people with disabilities is very hectic, especially when they arrive at the airport. You are challenged to receive correct information and instructions. This is compounded by a large number of people travelling and the long queues. At airports, flight attendants meet the needs of disabled travellers.

Travellers with disabilities should not and will not be treated differently when they are subject to security measures. They are well protected against any form of discrimination by an airline.

Travellers with disabilities should know their rights to avoid and report any type of travel discrimination.

  1. Bring extra medicine

There is no harm in carrying an extra dose of medication during the trip. People lose their luggage while travelling and an extra dose serves as a backup in case of missing luggage. This also ensures that a disabled person does not run out of drugs while travelling and forces them to look for a pharmacy while on vacation. These medicines must be stored properly to ensure their safety.

  1. Bring a medical note and your contact information when travelling.

A doctor’s note contains essential information about a problem encountered by a person with a disability. This helps doctors save a lot of time on tests in an emergency. Your doctor’s contact information will allow other doctors to obtain the necessary information from your doctor if necessary. This small but valuable information can save lives.

  1. Use direct flights.

It is very stressful, tiring and unadvisable for a disabled traveller to use connecting flights. On connecting flights, they can lose their luggage or even get hurt while getting on and off the aeroplane. Direct flight reduces all these risks and saves you a lot of time and energy. Direct flights also ensure that travellers with disabilities are not stranded at an airport because they are waiting for a connecting flight.

  1. Travellers with disabilities should know where they are going.

There is nothing more difficult than looking for a place you do not know. This is extremely difficult for disabled travellers, so it is advisable to know and understand at least your destination. This gives them the advantage of reduced stress. This is very useful if you are stuck or in emergency situations and need urgent help.