Wanderings Notebook Unboxing for My Book of Positive Aspects

Wanderings Journal

Since 2017, I have occasionally updated the blog with updates of how scripting in my Book of Positive Aspects has assisted in changing our lives for the better. I have also included many posts on creating my Lifebook. Both of these have been tremendous in helping to create my desired life.

For example, one of my favorite stories of using my Book of Positive Aspects is how I scripted my ideal day at Disney World. I began scripting (journaling with intentions) in September and ended up living out that reality a few months later in February. 

With this in mind, today’s post is dedicated to a peek into my new Wanderings Refillable Leather Travelers Notebook that will be for my 2021 Book of Positive Aspects.

To get us started, let’s chat briefly about scripting in your own Book of Positive Aspects.

In previous posts, I have written about what I have learned through the teachings of Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction. In the initial teachings, it is stated that a person should write consistently for 14 days in their Book of Positive Aspects to begin attracting their desires to them. 

“Hold a thought for just 17 seconds and The Law of Attraction kicks in. Hold a thought for 68 seconds and things move; manifestation has begun.” – Abraham Hicks

When making a commitment to do so, I recommend two things. Number one is a fresh journal, hence this journal.

Number two is to write intentionally for 14 to 30 days on what it is that you want to attract into your life. 

Taking my own advice and knowing that it works, I decided to switch from using pink journals, as I do most often and go with something more that spoke to me as I walk into this new chapter of my life. 

Wanderings Refillable Leather Travelers Notebook

Deciding on switching from pink was not a hard choice once I learned about the journals from Wanderings. Reason being, they are beautifully handcrafted and are refillable. 

The idea of the journal being refillable really attracted me to it because I really dislike falling in love with writing in a particular journal and then I run out of pages. Having a journal that is refillable solves that problem. And, for this I am thankful.

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In addition to 90 double-sided refillable pages that can be found online, this journal has blank and unlined pages. Having blank pages allows me to be able to not only write, but doodle drawings, as well.     

Another thing that I appreciate about the pages in this journal is that they are heavy enough to be used with a fountain pen.

This was important to me because I’ve been learning and practicing lettering and calligraphy. So, at some point, I plan to begin incorporating my new lettering into my journaling, as well as hand-written letters.

Lastly, this particular style journal is a naturally tanned leather with a variety of details that make it a wonderful journal to have – as well as to gift. 

Final Thoughts

While the Wanderings notebook is ideal for documenting your travel adventures, I’m choosing to use mine for my Book of Positive Aspects, as I journal to create more of my ideal life. 

If you are looking for a long lasting journal for yourself or as a gift for someone special in your life, I would have a look through the various journals by Wanderings.

All of their journals are quality made with great details such as pockets, book marks, and elastic closures. 

This post is in partnership with Tomoson.

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