June 2024

State to State Compliance Information

I know here in California homeschooling is really easy to do without a lot of hoops to jump through for the government. But in some state there are many more compliance issues to deal with. I found this site called HomeSchoolLegal.com that answers most if not all your compliance issues for each state.

They offer free information from state to state, record keeping, subjects that must be taught, testing, restrictions, websites to go to to file and attendance as well as more. Do you know what’s actually required to home-school legally in your state? Then you might want to take a moment and check out the information on HomeSchoolLegal.com.

2 comments to State to State Compliance Information

  • Hello,
    Someone recommended your site to me. I was wondering if you could add my site to your favorites and I will do the same for you??? Thanks

  • Funny, I just found your site on Tuesday. You got some great web sites avaliable too that I have not seen. Don’t you just love to search and find free stuff for homeschooling?! I will be more then happy to post you on my side bar with my other favorites as well as in my Free Curriculum post http://nutbugs.com/free-curriculm-or-resources/

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