Kids wardrobe hack: Neat and tidy clothes that fit

Children are amazing in so many ways. One of those ways is their epic skill of growing out of clothes at a rate of knots, sometimes before they have even had a chance to wear them!

Time poor parents + mountains of clothes + kids growing-like-weeds is a perfect recipe for drawer disasters. But never fear. You can easily avoid the dreaded wardrobe de-clutter with one clever little basket or box.

You can see how it works in this less than two minute video or scroll on for a description.

Choose a small OPEN box or basket and slip it in your childs drawer or wardrobe. If you have a spare drawer you can use that instead (just make sure it is labelled “too smalls” or something similar).

As soon as you notice an outfit is too small: grab it, roll it, pop it in the box.Side note: rolling is a fantastic way of storing baby clothes.

Pros of rolling:

  • Save space
  • See all your options at a glance
  • Clothes are ready for storage
  • Avoid fold lines


Once the box is starting to fill up, transfer the contents into a storage box labelled with the size of your bub.

Different clothes companies label their items with such variation that it is hard to keep track. By storing them in the order your child grows out of them you are organising them in true size order.


You can either have this ready for the next bub, younger sibling or donate straight to charity. This method helps eliminate clothes waste, as each size is easily accessed reducing the likelihood of purchasing more clothes while sorting through piles.

(and hey…it works for your maternity clothes too, ensuring your wardrobe isn’t bursting with things you can’t even get past your calves)


No more pushing clothes around in the drawer trying to find what you’re looking for, no more clothes explosions and most importantly no more time consuming kids wardrobe de-clutters.

Happy rolling!

Want to save time on your washing too? Try our laundry cupboard hack!

Do you know someone who could try this out? Use the buttons below to share this handy trick!


2 responses to “Kids wardrobe hack: Neat and tidy clothes that fit”

  1. […] Once you’ve finished with the laundry, check out our baby and kids clothes hack for keeping wardrobes organised and correctly sized here. […]


  2. […] Once you’ve finished with the laundry, check out our baby and kids clothes hack for keeping wardrobes organised and correctly sized here. […]


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