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Who exactly was the woman who gave birth to the legend? Or could she be a ghost? And why was her latest victim found under a bushel of tomatoes?

Blowing up old VHS tapes and setting slime on fire just doesn’t bring in the views. With his shield shattered and his powers drained, Cap finds himself trapped in the future, facing the Red Skull – who has the might of the Cosmic Cube at his fingertips!

An all female book titled simply X-Men was also launched. During All-New Marvel Now! Also, Wolverine and the X-Men was relaunched and turned into mutants-in-training book. In , for the 50th anniversary of the X-Men, ” Battle of the Atom ” was published which involved members of both X-Men schools trying to decide what to do about the time-displaced original X-Men, culminating in a confrontation with a version of the Brotherhood and the X-Men from an unspecified future date.

In , Wolverine was killed off in the ” Death of Wolverine ” story arc, as the conclusion of a storyline that saw him lose his healing factor after he was infected by an intelligent virus. Notable additions to the X-Men have been Firestar and M. During this period, the mutants dealt with the threat of the Terrigen cloud that circulated the world and appeared to be toxic to them, placing the X-Men at odds with the Inhumans. The X-Men also dealt with Apocalypse resurfacing, and the truth of what happened between Cyclops and the Inhumans that led to his death.

Storm’s team resided in Limbo and worked to bring mutants to safety away from the Terrigen. Magneto’s team took on a more militant approach. Beast worked alongside the Inhumans to attempt to find a way to alter the state of the Terrigen, but later discovered that it couldn’t be altered and would have rendered Earth toxic for mutants.

This revelation caused the X-Men to declare war against the Inhumans, but this conflict ended when the Inhumans learned what was happening, with Medusa sacrificing the Terrigen cloud to save the mutants. X-Men ” With the Terrigen gone, the X-Men vacated Limbo and moved to Central Park where they returned to their heroic roots instead of constantly living in fear for their survival. Other notable changes include Kitty Pryde as the new leader of the X-Men, the time-displaced X-Men working with Magneto, Old Man Logan turning Weapon X into a black ops team, and mutant characters crossing over from Earth to the Earth universe.

Early saw the Phoenix Force returning to earth and mysteriously resurrecting the original Jean Grey. X miniseries, which saw the new couple attempt to take their honeymoon but end up involved in an intergalactic conspiracy. Other noteworthy plot points included Wolverine’s return coinciding with the arrival of a mysterious new villain named Persephone, Psylocke’s return to her original body, Magneto’s steady return to villainy, and the time-displaced X-Men facing the consequences of their presence in the timeline, and the return of Cyclops.

Mainly Charles Xavier, Cyclops, Wolverine and Jean were resurrected and time displaced X-Men returned to their original timeline during the Extermination event.

On May 14, , Marvel announced they will cancel all the X-Men titles and relaunch the entire lineup. Jonathan Hickman will have full creative control and will start with two rotating bi-weekly six-issue limited series called House of X and Powers of X.

Notable addition to the X-Men has been Synch. The X-Men team lineup has varied throughout the years and splintered into several other newer teams. Other foes include Mystique , Emma Frost , Apocalypse , Mister Sinister , the mutant-hunting robot Sentinels , villain teams such as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and the Hellfire Club , and racism and discrimination from the human race. The X-Men use many recurring plot-devices and motifs for their various story arcs over the years that have become commonplace within the X-Men canon.

The conflict between mutants and normal humans is often compared to real-world conflicts experienced by minority groups in America such as African Americans , various religious or non-religious groups, Muslims , those with autism , the LGBTQ community , etc.

If a guy comes into my office in flames, or a guy comes into my office and turns to steel, I’m going to have the same reaction. It doesn’t really matter that I know their origins. The X-Men are hated, feared and despised collectively by humanity for no other reason than that they are mutants. So what we have here, intended or not, is a book that is about racism, bigotry and prejudice. Many of the X-Men’s stories delve into time travel either in the sense of the team traveling through time on a mission, villains traveling through time to alter history, or certain characters traveling from the past or future in order to join the present team.

These time-displaced characters subsequently starred in their own title X-Men Blue before returning to their original timeline in s Extermination event. One of the most recurring plot devices used in the X-Men franchise is death and resurrection, mostly in the sense of Jean Grey and her bond with the Phoenix. Though not as iconic as Jean and the Phoenix, many other X-Men characters have died and come back to life on occasion.

Death and resurrection has become such a common occurrence in the X-books that the characters have mentioned on numerous occasions that they are not strangers to death or have made comments that death doesn’t always have a lasting effect on them for example, “In mutant heaven, there are no pearly gates, only revolving doors”.

X-Necrosha is a particular story arc that sees Selene temporarily reanimate many of the X-Men’s dead allies and enemies in order for her to achieve godhood.

Many of the characters deal with the topic of fate. In particular, Destiny ‘s abilities of precognition have affected certain plot points in the X-Men’s history long after she was killed off due to both the X-Men and their enemies constantly searching for her missing diaries that foretell certain futures. The topic of fate takes center stage yet again in a story arc called “The Extremists” involving attacks against the Morlocks due to one of them seeing a dark future for their people.

Space travel has been a common staple in the X-Men books beginning with the Phoenix and Dark Phoenix sagas. Since then space has been involved in many stories involving the X-Men’s allies and occasional rivals the Shi’ar along with stories involving the Phoenix Force.

Space has been the setting for many stories involving the likes of The Brood , such as the story arc where the villainous species was first introduced. The topic of sanity has been addressed in many of the major heroes and villains of X-Men. Most famously this is addressed in Jean Grey when she gains near omnipotence through the Phoenix and Professor Xavier after he violently uses his powers against Magneto, unintentionally creating Onslaught.

Mystique’s sanity wavers throughout the franchise as her constant transformations causes more and more of her mind to fracture. The character Deadpool is famous for his blatant lack of sanity. After Magneto stripped Wolverine of his metal bones, Wolverine began to become increasingly feral throughout most of the mid to late s X-Men comics. The nature of Rogue’s powers affecting her sanity due to her retaining the memories of others has been a central plot device on many occasions, most famously retaining Ms.

Marvel’s psyche throughout most of the s. Most recently Emma Frost’s sanity has become fractured ever since Cyclops died in her arms, causing her to declare war against Inhumans.

In the Marvel Universe, mutant rights is one of the hot controversial political topics and is something that is addressed numerous times in the X-books as a plot device. While some politicians like Valerie Cooper have legitimately tried to help the X-Men, most have made it their mission to discredit the X-Men in order to eliminate mutants once and for all. Senator Robert Kelly began his platform on a strong outspoken anti-mutant sentiment until he changed his mind after being rescued by mutants later on in his career.

When Sabretooth’s human son Graydon Creed ran for office, the X-Men sent in Cannonball and Iceman to discreetly join his campaign team and find anything on his anti-mutant agenda. This continued until it boiled to a head when his assassination led to ” Operation: Zero Tolerance.

Characters in the X-Men franchise espouse a variety of political ideologies, and these differences are a frequent catalyst for conflict. The most prominent ideological clash in the X-Men franchise is that between Xavier and Magneto; despite later interpretations of the two as analogues for Martin Luther King Jr. Callisto is a separatist , who seeks to protect the Morlocks through isolationism. Emma Frost is portrayed as rejecting social movements, opting to use the capitalist system for her personal benefit, or for that of individual mutants in her care.

Apocalypse is characterized as a social darwinist who believes that mutants can only survive through the rule of might. The Mutant Liberation Front commits acts of terrorism to liberate mutants wrongly incarcerated by the government. Even when individual characters expressing conflicting ideologies are portrayed as either misguided or villainous, their motives and beliefs are often treated by the X-Men with nuance, sympathy, and respect; for example, during Secret Wars , when The Avengers take issue with Magneto’s placement among the heroic team by The Beyonder , the X-Men defend him as an ally, despite disagreeing with his methods.

The X-Men exist in the Marvel Universe along with other characters featured in Marvel Comics series and often interact with them. Rogue got her powers via absorbing Carol Danvers then called Ms. Marvel who has also interacted with the X-Men. Storm was once the Queen of Wakanda and the wife of Black Panther , as well as a temporary member of the Fantastic Four.

Rachel Summers was the girlfriend of Franklin Richards. Sabretooth was an Iron Fist villain before becoming Wolverine’s archenemesis. The global nature of the mutant concept means the scale of stories can be highly varied.

The X-Men’s enemies range from mutant thieves to galactic threats. To the outside world, it acted as a higher learning institute until the s, when Xavier was publicly exposed as a mutant at which point it became a known mutant boarding school.

Xavier funds a corporation aimed at reaching mutants worldwide, though it ceased to exist following the “Decimation” storyline. The X-Men benefit from advanced technology such as Xavier tracking down mutants with a device called Cerebro which amplifies his powers; the X-Men train within the Danger Room , first depicted as a room full of weapons and booby traps, now as generating holographic simulations; and the X-Men travel in their Blackbird jet.

The X-Men introduced several fictional locations which are regarded as important within the shared universe in which Marvel Comics characters exist:. The insecurity and anxieties in Marvel’s early s comic books such as The Fantastic Four , The Amazing Spider-Man , The Incredible Hulk , and X-Men ushered in a new type of superhero, very different from the certain and all-powerful superheroes before them, and changed the public’s perception of superheroes.

The X-Men team has featured in multiple forms of media including the 20th Century Fox live-action film series , multiple animated shows , live-action shows, multiple video games , numerous novels , motion comics , soundtracks , action figures , and clothing. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Comic book superhero team. This article is about the superhero team. For other uses, see X-Men disambiguation. Variant cover of X-Men Vol. This section needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Main article: List of X-Men members. Main article: List of X-Men enemies. See also: Mutant Marvel Comics.

Main article: X-Men in other media. Screen Rant. Retrieved March 1, Marvel Comics. Archive of American Television. March 22, Retrieved January 4, Son of Origins of Marvel Comics. ISBN Archived from the original on December 21, Retrieved July 28, May 15, Back Issue!

Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved April 11, Wizard : X-Men Turn Thirty. August Bleeding Cool. May 9, October 15, Wizard 2. Retrieved April 20, The Independent Comics Site. Archived from the original on January 3, Retrieved January 27, Comic Book Resources.

October 12, Retrieved August 14, Comic Vine. During this time, Howard meets a character called the Critic, travels to a dimension known as the Baloneyverse and again battles a group called the Band of the Bland, whom he had previously battled with the Defenders.

During the fight, Howard and Beverly get stuck in a warehouse full of anthropomorphic ducks, briefly meeting the Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck. Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them. The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze ‘s hellfire gun.

Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin’s mind. Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Nile, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.

While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropy , who wrap him in swaddling clothes. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realities , which shattered during Heroes Reborn , inside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard’s mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.

Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard’s conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland. Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong’s. Beverly is hired by Bong’s Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men.

Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat. Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka “Osama the Duck” in Arabic. Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S.

One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before. Suzy is the inheritor of the doucheblade , which starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet. In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing him to be the wielder of the doucheblade.

The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchblade , and, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy’s house.

Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abel , the latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity. There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard’s return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John Constantine , Wesley Dodds , the Endless , Spider Jerusalem , and Gerber’s own Nevada called Utah , all characters from DC Comics ‘ Vertigo imprint.

The downside to the House is that everyone staying there gets their every wish; so Che Guevara can have his revolution, but someone else can easily slaughter him. Upon leaving the House of Mystery, Howard is once again transformed into an anthropomorphic mouse. It is revealed that Iprah has been merged with an experiment by the Angel Gabriel called Deuteronomy, intended to replace God, because God has been spending all his time in a bar in Hell since Deuteronomy is a creature half-id and half-superego, while Iprah is an all-ego promoter of self-indulgent pop psychology.

Considering her dangerous, Gabriel sends the cherub Thrasher to resurrect Sigmund Freud, whose cigar blasts out half of Thrasher’s brains being immortal, this just makes him act drunk. Iprah destroys Freud, but Howard blasts her with the cigar, separating her from Deuteronomy. Puffing on the cigar, Howard disintegrates and arrives in Hell. Sometime later, Howard attempts to register under the Superhero Registration Act during the superhero Civil War , but learns his socially disrupted life has created so many bureaucratic headaches that the government’s official policy is that Howard does not exist.

This lack of government oversight delights him: “For the rest of my life, no more parking tickets, or taxes, or jury duty. Heck, I couldn’t even vote if I wanted to! After he defeats the supervillain M. Howard the Duck is briefly seen as part of the superpowered army gathered to battle invading Skrull forces.

During the Fear Itself storyline, Howard forms a team called the Fearsome Four with She-Hulk, Frankenstein’s Monster and Nighthawk to stop the Man-Thing when he goes on a rampage in Manhattan, due to the fear and chaos he senses on the citizens. They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing’s volatile empathy to create a weapon.

They promote S. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man later interrupts a S. Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S. Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together. The Supreme S. Spidey attacks the S. Howard states that he believes S. Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen.

The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan , and Battlestar , who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians , but suffer grave losses as the team’s members are either killed or zombified during the battle. After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth’s resistance team, the Suffragists.

They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees. After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld. After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster.

Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn. One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat. With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace. However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities.

Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker , Spider-Man’s aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies. After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove.

With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city. Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover.

Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos. Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal.

Howard has no superhuman powers, but he is skilled in the martial art known as Quak-Fu, enough to defeat, or at least to hold his own against, far larger opponents. He has shown some degree of mystic talent in the past, to the point that Stephen Strange taught some spells to Howard and even offered to train him, but Howard declined. On one occasion, Howard used a suit of powered armor known as the “Iron Duck” armor designed by Claude Starkowitz. Besides its property as body armor, the suit was equipped with foot-mounted leaping coils, a chest-mounted searchlight, and flamethrowers in both arms.

Howard the Duck is a three-foot-tall anthropomorphic duck. He generally wears a tie and shirt and is almost always found smoking a cigar. Originally, like many cartoon ducks, he wore no pants; Disney threatened legal action due to Howard’s resemblance to Donald Duck , [89] and Marvel redesigned that aspect of the character by writing into the script that Howard was the target of anti-nudity protests, and was forced to do business with “Wally Sidney”, a failed cartoonist who made his fortune through a chain of conservative clothing retailers known as “Sidney World”.

Howard tries on various outfits, including ones akin to Donald Duck’s sailor uniform and Uncle Scrooge ‘s coat and top hat , before settling on his new attire of a business suit complete with trousers. Although Howard sulks that he has lost, Beverly reassures him that she does not want him to be a victim of a mob, and loves him no matter what he wears. Howard has an irritable and cynical attitude towards the often bizarre events around him; he feels there is nothing special about him except that he is a duck, and though he has no goals other than seeking comfort and to be left alone, he is often dragged into dangerous adventures simply because he is visibly unusual.

His series’ tagline, “Trapped in a world he never made”, played off the genre trappings of s science fiction. His near-constant companion and occasional girlfriend is former art model and Cleveland native Beverly Switzler.

Like Howard, Beverly wants an ordinary life but is frequently singled out for her appearance, though as a beautiful woman rather than a duck. Howard has worked with Spider-Man and the Man-Thing on various occasions. Howard found himself on Earth due to a shift in the “Cosmic Axis” from a world similar to Earth, but where there are “more ducks” and “apes don’t talk.

In , Gerber dismissed this idea, calling it “very pedestrian” and ‘comic-booky’ — in the worst sense of the term. Gerber later depicted his character Destroyer Duck as existing in such a world. His antagonists who usually appear in a single story each are often parodies of science fiction , fantasy , or horror characters, as well as frequent parodies of political figures and organizations.

The chief recurring villain, Lester Verde, better known as Doctor Bong — modeled on Doctor Doom and writers Bob Greene and Lester Bangs — is a former tabloid reporter who has the power to “reorder reality” by smashing himself on the bell -shaped helmet on his head and his main goal is to marry Beverly.

Beverly eventually agreed to marry him to save Howard from Bong’s evil experimentation, but the two were divorced shortly thereafter. Doctor Bong would reappear in issues of She-Hulk and Deadpool in the mids. Other recurring villains include the Kidney Lady, an older woman who has been convinced by her former lover that the soul is in the kidneys and attacks anything she sees as a threat to them, and Reverend Jun Moon Yuc and his Yuccies, a parody of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church “Moonies”.

Another important villain was the organization S. Omega the Unknown appeared to him in a dream, as did Spider-Man and the founding members of the rock group Kiss on other occasions.

In the miniseries, as a mocking gesture toward Disney’s mascot Mickey Mouse and as a reference to a previous lawsuit with the company over Howard’s similarity to Donald Duck, Howard was turned into various other animals, but primarily appeared in the series as an anthropomorphic mouse. This character is featured in its own one-shot comic book which like almost all of the other Amalgam Comics “falsely” implied that the one-shot was a continuation of multiple other, pre-existing Lobo The Duck stories.

In the letters page of Bat-Thing 1, there was mention of a fictional upcoming ‘special issue’ featuring Howard the Mxyzptlk, presumably a merging of Howard with Mister Mxyzptlk.

An alternate version of Howard the Duck becomes infected with the zombie plague, and eats the brains of the alternate-Ash that is native to the zombie version of the Marvel Universe. In the Marvel Comics 2 universe, Howard is seen as a blindfold-wearing martial arts teacher, a reference harkening back to his mastery of “Quack Fu” in the original s series.

Duck is the President of the United States. In a parody of the Spider-Verse event, Howard and Leo Fitz team up with a group of Howards from across the Multiverse who collectively call themselves the Legion of Howards. This version of Howard is brought to Cleveland by a laser spectroscope experiment gone awry and befriends rock singer Beverly Switzler. Plans have also occurred for Howard the Duck to star in his own film. In , Rob Zombie claimed that he had pitched a Howard the Duck film to Marvel, but was turned down.

He said that while there were several comics characters he loved, he was “not making films of them all”. In addition, Howard can briefly be seen in the background of the Collector’s welcome video in the attraction’s queue. Between June 6, and October 29, , Howard the Duck appeared in a syndicated daily comic strip that comic strip historian Allan Holtz has described as having low distribution and that was eventually replaced by the Incredible Hulk comic strip.

When the strip was dropped by the Cleveland Plain Dealer , a Cleveland TV station began televising the strip for two minutes each night. A total of eleven story arcs, as well as a number of single-joke strips, constitute the individual strips that were printed. These were followed by an adaptation of the “Sleep of the Just” story from issue 4 of the Marvel comic, scripted by Gerber and illustrated by Alan Kupperberg.

Gerber was fired from the strip in early over chronic problems with deadlines. In November , the first of a projected eight-issue series reprinting the entire strip was published by John Zawadzki. Titled It’s Adventure Time With Howard the Duck , only the initial issue was published. In , a pilot for a radio show version of Howard was recorded. James Belushi played the role of Howard, although the program was never aired. Michael Burkett of the Orange County Register described Howard the Duck as a “cantankerous, stogie-chomping, nattily dressed” antihero with an “acerbic wit, irascible personality and down-and-dirty street smarts” that distinguished him from other cartoon animal characters.

Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas thought that Howard, as a “funny animal” character, was inappropriate for the horror comic book in which he was introduced. He told Gerber to dispose of the character “as fast as you can. One fan even sent in a duck carcass to make his point. At San Diego Comic-Con , the auditorium stood up and applauded when a fan asked Thomas if Howard would ever come back.

Marvel responded by bringing Howard back for more appearances and soon launching his own self-titled comic book series. The Howard the Duck comic book has been described as “the first successful title aimed at an older audience.

He’s got every Howard the Duck comic ever. After Gerber parted ways with Marvel in amid numerous legal and creative disputes, and other writers took over for him, Howard the Duck’s popularity diminished rapidly.


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