9th House – Journeys Beyond the Known

9th house is a quest for wisdom. It concerns learning and experiences. It is the realm of higher education. This is a house of ethics reflecting the highest of humanity or the lowest denominator.

9th house is a house of Sagittarius and the natural ruler, Jupiter. Arrows of truth will find you. It is the way you take in information.

This house determines our faith and in what life arena fortune seems to smile from heaven.

This also points to your capacity to trust life and go beyond your own culture to learn the universe.

Planets in 10th house near 9th house cups, bring fame as a seeker or a teacher.

Keywords of 9th house:

  • Philosophy, religion, law and ethics;
  • Outlook in cultural sphere – awareness of the relativity of our knowledge about culture; long distance travels;
  • Higher education – all types of adult education, including informal types
    search for the truth
  • Ideal society – a vision of the ideal society, the characteristics of the “perfect” world

Ninth House elevates education to the next level: college level or higher. However, this education is not confined to a formal learning, or a specific training in educational institution. Ninth House is the position of an individual, his desires and abilities correlated with conceptual knowledge that have no age or social constraints. Ninth House is a lifelong learning and a search for truth.

Status of the 9th house reveals the attitude of a person to pursuit of truth.