On live cams: sarahadams

 sarahadams is Offline. Auto-Host mode enabled: sunnivahearl
Presented in HD and 132339 lucky people are following me, I prefer if we talk in English or Italian and a little Spanish :) and I am 99 and I was born the 1st of September 1901. I have been doing live shows for a while and I prefer if you use my real name Sara( I M always online just on this account,i do not use another name or another account) and * is where I come from and you can watch my show in public, I am named Sarahadams.

Sarahadams on WowFreeCam

Name sarahadams
Age 99
Gender Couple
Birth Date 1901-09-01
Location N/A
Language(s) English, Italian and a little Spanish :)
Followers 132,339
HD Yes
Current Show Public
New Model No
Orientation Straight
Tags Get, Lush, Fuck, Blowjob, She, Shh, The
