Can I get a consensus? What is the sexiest accent in the world?

Can I get a consensus? What is the sexiest accent in the world?
September 14, 2010 Carly Jacobs

glyphsets and linguistics


I’m an absolute sucker for an Irish accent. I don’t even care if I can’t understand what the guy is saying I will want to put my mouth on his mouth. And my hand down his pants. Many, many of my fellow dirty Australian women agree with me.

My question to you is… what do you think is the sexiest accent in the world?

I would like to know the origin of your own accent and your gender too please!

Let the games begin! I can’t wait for the results of this one.

love Carly



  1. LaLa 14 years ago

    Oooh. Liverpudlian. It's a Beatles thing 🙂

    I'm from QLD/Canberra.

  2. The Mumma 14 years ago

    Scottish. When I realised David Tennant had a Scottish accent when he wasn't being Doctor Who, I began lusting after him even more.

  3. Bianca 14 years ago

    Canadian. Oh god Canadian. I love me anyone who says "Oot"
    For this reason I am no longer allowed to watch Degrassi or travel to Canada for my aussie boyfriends fears I will jump the bones of the first person I hear say "oot" or "aboot".
    Im also partial to a little bit of spanish accent ie. Antonio Banderas style.
    Im australian female.

    • annevavrik 14 years ago

      That sounds hilarious to me as a Canadian! Especially because the kind of accent you’re describing is how people in other parts of the country speak, so I’m used to mocking it. 😀

  4. laura elizabeth 14 years ago

    I've always been a sucker for a guy with a British accent

  5. Jordan 14 years ago

    I am a 22-year-old Australian-American male with an awkward, insignificant Australian drawl, occasionally hijacked by a nasal Yankee slur. As such, I hate all Irish people and their daft, lilting, hypnotic accents. They are nature's greatest cheats, as they defy all evolutionary need for good grooming, keen conversational skill and physical prowess, as any word from their greedy, nonchalant lips will instantly undermine any or all efforts I make to better myself as a human male in the pursuit of human females. Damn them and their linguistic rohypnol.

  6. Simone 14 years ago

    French!!!!! For the love of God, French accents. When boys speak in French with French accents! When French boys speak in French! I'll stop saying French now.

    My accent is Aussie & I'm female! 🙂

  7. meaghan 14 years ago

    My number one is FRENCH!!! There is a new waiter at the restaurant that I go to almost weekly and his french accent is so incredibly sexy… I melt into goo when he speaks.
    And I have alway loved English and Scottish accents.. 🙂

  8. Meryl 14 years ago

    OMG!! Thats an easy question. It has to be without a doubt, a lovely Irish lilt, two of my best friends are Irish and I could sit and listen to them all day long. I have an Australian accent and am female and there is nothing sexier than a gorgeous Irish accent.

  9. Magatha May 14 years ago

    I’m surprised at how many of you love the Irish lilt – I’m Irish but out of luck, but it seems that girls like guys with Irish accents but guys don’t really like girls with Irish accents. Is this just my observation or does anyone else think this?

    Personally I’m a sucker for a Northern Irish or Scottish accent, but if you get either drunk you haven’t a clue what they’re saying 😉

    • Nicole 14 years ago

      I feel the same way being an Aussie girl, I hear American girls tell me all the time they’d love a good Australian guy to talk their ears (and underwear) off, but people seem to forget us Aussie girls. Not the
      exact same thing, but you have my sympathy ; )

  10. Erin 14 years ago

    As an American girl, any British guy gets me going.

  11. Katie 14 years ago

    I have to vote for Australian. Having never been to Australia, I can't get more regionally specific than that – love 'em all. You can read the phone book with one of those and I'll let you take me anywhere.

    I'm a girl who has a muddled North American accent that's the result of being a military kid and living all over. However, my two biggest influences are New England ("wicked," and "caaahh" (car)) and Atlantic Canadian ("sore-y" (sorry) and s-oww-th (south)).

  12. x Corrine/F & R x 14 years ago

    I’m originally from Wellington, New Zealand but have lived in Sydney, Australia for the past ten years of my life, so my accent is actually Australian! (Slightly weird.) But I have to say British – oh my god, YUM.

  13. callah 14 years ago

    scottish, then irish!

  14. Nicole 14 years ago

    I love a bunch, Irish, Scottish, English. I watched RocknRolla the other night, excuse me while I wipe this drool away. I don’t only mean guys though. When Shirley Manson talks, I think it’s about one of the sexiest things ever.

    I used to like the way Americans pronounced my name, they really roll with the ‘ole part. Living here now, I’m kinda past that now haha.

  15. Alline 14 years ago

    Being married to an authentic Irish man from Dublin, of course I’ll say his accent is the best! But I do agree that French people speaking English make for a very pleasant experience…. I work with a lot of foreigners (being a foreigner myself, from Brazil!) and I will never tire of the Frenchies accent, boys and girls!
    I’m a girl, and never had any complaints about my own accent! (and no, I don’t sound like Rubens Barrichello or Ronaldo!).

  16. luinae 14 years ago

    I'm a young woman, with a Welsh accent. Which if you ask me, is pretty unsexy.

  17. Jasmine 14 years ago

    I always had a thing for Peruvian and Brazilian accents, and these days I really really like that Southern drawl where blokes from areas like Georgia address a lady as "maam".

    A Canadian guy I once worked with had his mother visiting, and from the moment I said "lovely to meet you", every time I spoke she was just hooked. She wasn't even listening to what I was saying, just how I said it – I'd say something, and she'd turn to her husband and start saying how musical my accent was, or "oh listen, John! It sounds like she's singing!". It was kind of embarrassing after awhile, even her son was cringing (having said that she also grabbed the poor guy's belt and was all "look how much weight he has lost, Jasmine! He used to wear the belt here, and now it's here!").

    I'm an Aussie female but very occasionally have awkward New Zealand moments as both my folks are from there.

  18. Esz 14 years ago

    I’m “Aussie” – grown up in Australia with an Aussie accent but born in Romania and speak (very bad) Hungarian – phew! Hottest accent would have to be German. Yesss. Love it.

    Couldn’t pick a Hungarian accent for the life of me. French are sexy but all the French men I’ve met have been too sappy for my tastes. Hmmm 😉

  19. Nadist 14 years ago

    Scottish! Oh heck yeah! Mmmm to the hmmm!! Divine.

    I'm from NZ (female), and my NZ cuz was in Scotland, and he was all like, 'Just talk . . ', but they were all, 'No, YOU talk!'

  20. emmams 14 years ago

    I’m with the Mumma – on the Scottish accent and the David Tennant thing. Oh Doctor!

  21. Reyna 14 years ago

    Oh Australian and Scottish! I’m American and our accents are so incredibly bland that I fall over at any strong accent. And besides, I’m crazy about Australia!

  22. Brumby 14 years ago

    I would have to say South African, which is kind of unusual I think, not many people seem to like it.
    I am a female, hybrid NZ/OZ mix (spending roughly half my life in each country)

  23. Miss A 14 years ago

    I thought I was going to be the only one to say 'South African' and get boooed of the internet! I know most people can't stand it but I love it…maybe because it is often accompanied by amazing eyes, white teeth and golden tan?!?! I also have something weird for Canberra/NSW accents…. yes really.

  24. @bunnylovecara 14 years ago

    I love American Southern accents. That drawl is just adorable. :3 I have a bit of a Boston accent and I'm female.

  25. Harlow 14 years ago

    I actually really detest accents on most males, to me it just makes the person sound unarticulate. The accent to me that I feel is the worst of the lot is a guy with a Scottish accent because it just sounds so working class and just makes my skin crawl UGHH! Guys with French accents sound sleazy, guys with Russian accents sound angry, guys with British accents sound pompous, and Irish males just sound like they are in a permanent state of intoxication.Yankey accents? UGHHH. The only male accent I do like a little is a German accent though 😛
    Women on the other hand always sound sexy regardless of the accent they speak in, it’s just something I’ve always found! I myself am female and speak with a slight British accent, oh and I’m not attracted to women btw, I really just think they pull off accents better 🙂

    • Notna 10 years ago

      No such word as unarticulate, you inarticulate person.

  26. Na 14 years ago

    Scots, Southern American, and French. And Scandinavian – although that might just be Stellan Skarsgard.

  27. Davinia 14 years ago

    I'm going to say British. They can get away with saying words like 'naughty' and 'panties' and still sound sexy.

  28. Louise 14 years ago

    I'm a bit biased but I'm a bit of a fan of an Afrikaaner accent – especially if they grew up speaking Afrikaans. OMG yum. Doesn't help that my husband is from South Africa. I've just got a plain ol' Kiwi accent.

  29. Lucy 14 years ago

    I love, love, love, love a girl with a British accent. The rougher it is the better. Also tremble a little with the Russian accents!

  30. Eliza 14 years ago

    Irish, for sure! And when it comes to the actual accent, give me a man speaking German with a Swiss accent, Brazilian Portugues, or English with a Balkan accent, and you can carry me away…

  31. Louise 14 years ago

    I’m a bit biased but I’m a bit of a fan of an Afrikaaner accent – especially if they grew up speaking Afrikaans. OMG yum. Doesn’t help that my husband is from South Africa. I’ve just got a plain ol’ Kiwi accent.

  32. aida 14 years ago

    Scottish!! def!!
    the accent and the kilt… they drive me crazy!!

  33. brie 14 years ago

    My favourite is Cajun accents, deep southern american accents, and spanish. oh, and AUSTRALIAN. I’m a Canadian gal myself, and I laughed outloud when I saw that someone put Canadian as a sexy accent! so funny.

  34. Amy 14 years ago

    Scottish for sure! I submit to you exhibits A-Z, forever & always:

    (Henry Ian Cusick)

  35. Natasja 14 years ago

    I agree that Irish/Scottish/French are pretty lovely accents, but I have to say that (being from NZ, living in Melbourne) the Kiwi accent still makes me swoon! If friends speak in NZ accents, I feel all warm & fuzzy inside, and when my Kiwi/Aussie boyfriend says things in a Kiwi way instead of the Aussie accent, I just want to jump his bones. Mmm.

  36. Carlos 13 years ago

    Definitely Brazilian accent is the hottest! Coincidently, I am an astonishing hot Brazilian male. 🙂 

  37. Lauralee68 11 years ago

    Well, that was just hilarious!
    Scottish, of course, the sexiest accent ever.

    I’m an American girl.
    I’m curious, have you ever heard a Scot say your name? Carly. And can you describe what is sounded like to me?

  38. Caitlyn 11 years ago

    German accent! Just makes me so hot down there. .

  39. Meep 11 years ago

    I absolutely LOVE German accents. I don’t know why, they’re just perfect. Most people would disagree with me, but I’m sure I’m not the ONLY one who loves German accents. I’m a female with a Midwestern American accent. I don’t really feel like I have a thick accent, though.

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