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HomeCloudWhat is Cloudify and How to install Cloudify in Linux

What is Cloudify and How to install Cloudify in Linux

Sometimes it’s hard to maintain a hybrid cloud, too much of dashboards and logins, and approaches. What if someone already providing single place to maintain all cloud? Can you imagine, yes you are correct, its Cloudify, an open-source orchestration software company, now claims it can support all the top five public clouds and Azure, OpenStack, and VMware, with its latest release.

Little surprise, how it’s possible? yeah no more guessing it’s possible through Google’s Kubernetes. Cloudify runs microservices on top of Kubernetes, alongside stateful services such as back-ends on bare-metal and virtual machines (VMs.) It also manages composition and dependency management between services, as well as triggering of auto-scaling of both the micro-services and Kubernetes minions.

The platform offers support for hybrid stacks, orchestrating containers, and non-containerized stacks through new Kubernetes support. It now supports Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Compute Platform (GCP), OpenStack, VMware, and cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes and Docker.

The program is based on the Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) standard.

How it works

There is multiple stage involves on cloudify, to know more how it works, refer Cloudify How it works.


Before go for installation, there is minimum system requirement to setup cloudify,

                                          Minimum             Recommended

vCPUs                                      2                                8

RAM                                      4GB                         16GB

Storage                                  5GB                      64GB

There are 4 options to install cloudify in your environment, it various based on your environment/computability and also matter you need Enterprise or community version (In this we will see about community version and how to install RPM package). You can find more detail and packages are in cloudify official Download Page. Let see what are the option we have,

  • RPM
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • Openstack

Prerequisite Packages

There are some specific packages that are commonly included in RHEL/CentOS. You must have these packages installed before you install Cloudify Manager

sudo – Required to run commands with root privileges (note that this is still a requirement even when running with root user)
openssl-1.0.2k – Required to generate internal/external certificates
openssh-server – Required for creating SSH keys during the sanity check
logrotate – Required for rotating Cloudify log files
systemd-sysv – Required by PostgreSQL DB
initscripts – Required by RabbitMQ
which – Required to install Logstash plugins
python-setuptools – Required by Python
python-backports – Required by Python
python-backports-ssl_match_hostname – Required by Python

And you can find other required network setting in Following link: Prerequisites


To proceed, make sure all required packages are installed and then download RPM package from Download page, or you can download to your local system and then copy to target machine using scp or filezilla or winscp tools.

# wget http://repository.cloudifysource.org/cloudify/18.2.28/community-release/cloudify-manager-install-community-18.2.28.rpm

Once its download you can check using “ls” command, and then you can run

# yum install -y cloudify-manager-install-community-18.2.28.rpm

Once installed you can check config file in /etc/cloudify folder. If you wish to edit cloudify manager network setting in config.yaml.

Once you modify something in config.yaml, you can validate it using below command, it validates what cfg_manager does.

# cfy_manager validate

cfy_manager validateNow let’s install cloudify manager,

# cfy_managet install --private-ip --public-ip <<your public IP>> --admin-password <<any-password>>

Note: You can mention IP’s and password in config.yaml alone, if you mention in the file, no need to mention in the command. And adding -v will trigger additional logs to /var/log/cloudify/manager/cfy_manager.log

Once you run successfully, can you validate using either command or visit to cfy page using http://<<public-IP>>, login using;

Username: admin
Password: <<your unique password>>

By Command;

# cfy status

cfy status

Note: if you wish reinstall the cfy_manager, you can run cfy_manager install command, it will reset the existing settings.

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