Green Arrow Rebirth Guest Post for Exterro

Comic Book E-Discovery: Writer Ben Percy & Attorney Josh Gilliland Weigh In on the Legal World of DC's Green Arrow


Check out for my guest post on the Exterro blog on the new Green Arrow Rebirth series!

Some people might think of comic books as flights of fancy filled with characters wielding supernatural powers to fight foes from other planets, and yes, that’s true. But there are other comics that, while still being imaginative fictions, ground themselves in the real world. Even in the world of Big Data and E-Discovery.

A great example of this is Green Arrow. The title character — who’s alter ego is Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Industries — has no superhuman or special powers other than being an amazing archer with a lot of resources and a drive for social justice. In the latest iteration, Oliver Queen uses technology to his advantage when fighting crime in his home city of Seattle, and real-life elements that mirror our world – computer forensics, wire fraud, banking laws, even a DC version of Bitcoin (aptly named Lexcoin after Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor) – show up in the stories.

I recently spoke with Green Arrow writer, Benjamin Percy, about his thoughts on this, and he said, “So much of our lives are presently online. Socially, financially, professionally — our tracks are everywhere. We can so easily end up violated or even…possessed, erased by hackers, viruses. Green Arrow is a comic that — more than most — taps into the zeitgeist. I’m channeling cultural anxieties onto the page, and it’s natural that electronic data and commerce will play into my storylines.”

For further analysis relating Percy’s narratives to the legal world, I asked Joshua Gilliland, Esq. — blogger for Bow Tie Law, and one of the two founding attorney bloggers for The Legal Geeks – to take a look at the latest story arc in Green Arrow: Rebirth. Here’s what he had to say:

Check out the Exterro blog for my analysis on Comic Book eDiscovery! 

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