College hiring includes more than 30 open positions, including faculty


Currently, Delta College has advertised new employment opportunities on campus with 39 positions yet to be filled, these positions include both dean and faculty.

Posted under human resources on the Delta College website, these positions include Dean of Instruction for Health and Fitness as well as adjunct associate professors in English, Spanish, Electron Microscopy and Computer Science, among others.

Following recruitment and selection procedures, AP 7120, hiring committees have been interviewing potential Delta College faculty.

The procedures include reviewing the documents of the applicant, verification, interviews, and teaching demonstrations according to human resources recruitment and selection procedures policies listed inBoardDocs, AP 7120.

These policies showcase Delta recruitment and selection process for all jobs except the position of Superintendent/President, which was made by the Board of Trustees.

“After a position has been advertised for a certain amount of time, the committee will typically meet to review applications and will then conduct interviews of qualified applicants,” Director of Marketing and Communications, Alex Breitler said. “Ultimately, it’s up to the committee to decide which candidate (if any) is hired. Sometimes, if the right person simply isn’t in the mix, the job will be reposted and the committee will try again.”

Since last fall, Delta College has been working to fill positions around campus, Breitler said.

The hiring committees consist of Delta College faculty and they are in charge of making sure the right applicant gets the position.

“It’s important to note that the College is committed to providing full and fair opportunity for anyone who applies for a job,” Breitler said. “That includes being sure employment decisions are not discriminatory based on race, religion, or other factors.”

After the committee finds the right person, the applicant is referred to the Board of Trustees for the hiring process. 

“We’re thankful for employees who serve on hiring committees, for this is a very important process for the college and for our students,” said Breitler.