Wakeful Video Weekend 2021-10-03 (13 videos)

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Summary: homeless/worthless lives, oligarchy, COVID-updates, and Peoples Party

Side-Note: The Delta-variant of COVID-19 now seems to hit us. (Vietnam locking down 100%, Israel hit hard despite massive vaccination (the imposed vaccines having been shitty, and better ones getting blocked by the profit-making corporations and their corrupt political allies), rapid tests in the U.S. running out, students beginning to get quarantined…)

Stars and Channels: Woody Guthrie, NonCompete, The Jimmy Dore Show, Ralph Nader Radio Hour, The People’s Party, Richard Wolff (The New School), Town Hall Seattle, Kim Iversen (The Hill), After Skool, Jason Hickel & Dean Baker (The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow), JEFF DUNHAM


  1. I Ain’t Got No Home In This World Anymore – Woody Guthrie
  2. Delta-COVID Coming Without U.S. Protection
  3. Delta-Variant & COVID-Vaccines Update
  4. Our Careless Healthcare (Huge Malpractice) & Corporate Games with Union
  5. People’s Party National Call
  6. The Mindset of Corporate Money Lords
  7. History of our Oligarchy
  8. American Drone Terrorism
  9. Why so Much Illness Nowadays?
  10. Our Culture of Wasting our Working Lives
  11. The Capitalist Catastrophe of Pharmaceutical Industry
  12. Capitalist Silly Myths and Painful Realities
  13. Comedy: Biden Interview

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1. I Ain’t Got No Home In This World Anymore – Woody Guthrie

A great reminder from the time before the Great New Deal (most of which has since then be repealed, throwing us back into poverty and homelessness):

I Ain’t Got No Home In This World Anymore – Woody Guthrie


I ain’t got no home, I’m just a-roamin’ ’round,
Just a wandrin’ worker, I go from town to town.
And the police make it hard wherever I may go
And I ain’t got no home in this world anymore.

My brothers and my sisters are stranded on this road,
A hot and dusty road that a million feet have trod;
Rich man took my home and drove me from my door
And I ain’t got no home in this world anymore.

Was a-farmin’ on the shares, and always I was poor;
My crops I lay into the banker’s store.
My wife took down and died upon the cabin floor,
And I ain’t got no home in this world anymore.

I mined in your mines and I gathered in your corn
I been working, mister, since the day I was born
Now I worry all the time like I never did before
‘Cause I ain’t got no home in this world anymore

Now as I look around, it’s mighty plain to see
This world is such a great and a funny place to be;
Oh, the gamblin’ man is rich an’ the workin’ man is poor,
And I ain’t got no home in this world anymore.

2. Delta-COVID Coming Without U.S. Protection

An ultra-infective variant requiring monumental efforts to restrain. But nothing done in the U.S. — As I found, Rapid Tests have run outwhere I was looking for them. Isn’t that a hint at a new giant wave hitting us, with the government keeping quiet about it?

LOCKDOWN: The Philosophy of Covid and Coercion ~ NonCompete (Sep 19, 2021)

3. Delta-Variant & COVID-Vaccines Update

The bad vaccines we have been pounded with appear to protect little if at all against the dangerous Delta_ariant that is now pouncing on us. Meanwhile much safer and quite possibly also more protective COVID vaccines already exist, but are kept hidden from us to maximize the profits of the politicians-bribing big corporations. Literally, money made for the rich by killing us. Yep, that’s how a market-driven society (capitalism) works.

COVID Surges Among VACCINATED In Israel ~ The Jimmy Dore Show (Sep 26, 2021)

4. Our Careless Healthcare (Huge Malpractice) & Corporate Games with Union

According to this report the THIRD-biggest cause of death in America is medical malpractice. Yikes! And a hidden law makes it impossible to punish for it via court trials. Yikesss!!! And, also mentioned are corporations wiping unions off the table with no resistance and buying off others.

Third Leading Cause of Death ~ Ralph Nader Radio Hour (Jul 24, 2021)

5. People’s Party National Call

The Republican-“Democrat”-Alliance, serving the bribing money lords instead of the American People. Our crumbling infrastructure, and the utterly false handling of a pandemic, losing so many of our jobs and small businesses, and our homes being sucked up by investment firms to make the rich even richer, letting them gobble up any remaining wealth in our country, and making us all either homeless or getting rent sucked from our nose (like I right now pay a high rent for merely a single room and cannot get an apartment, leave alone a home).

The People’s Party National Call – 9.30.2021 ~ The People’s Party (Sep 30, 2021)

Note: So, how does the twin-party tyranny work? The R Party openly stabs the people in the back (for example cutting taxes on the rich) and the D Party, when it takes over the congress and white house, insists on bi-party cooperation, so that R corrupticians can block things the D Party ran for during election, and the D Party corrupticians then blame the R Party for not getting the things done the people want. (and, of course, whenever they can escape public awareness, the D Party also directly does the stabbing, like Obama expanding the Bush-Cheney erasure of our 4th amendment and expanding their global wars-for-profit as well).

6. The Mindset of Corporate Money Lords

An interesting revelation given by Rochard Wolff all the way back inn 2011:

Professor Richard Wolff: Opposition to Paying for Capitalism’s Crisis | The New School ~ (Apr 2, 2011)

7. History of our Oligarchy

Long interview/speech, but informative. (except that Thom Hartmann even now still seems to hope that the D Party — utterly corrupted like the R Party — will return to helping the people, a hope we should no longer stuck in after the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections).

Thom Hartmann: The Hidden History of the Oligarchy ~ Town Hall Seattle (Feb, 2021)

8. American Drone Terrorism

Over half of our government money spent on terrorizing people in other countries rather than repairing our infrastructure, giving us all healthcare, eliminating poverty and homelessness… all we could get done instead (not mentioned in this episode, but Kim Iversen — I wonder how long she’ll manage to put up with her colleagues — well presents the terrorism our military commits to make profits for the militant corporatists).

Kim Iversen: Rand Paul And America WANT To Know, Who Is Being TARGETED By Predator Drones? ~ The Hill (Sep 15, 2021)

9. Why so Much Illness Nowadays?

A possible answer given: messed up agriculture.

Chemical Farming & The Loss of Human Health – Dr. Zach Bush ~ After Skool (Apr 27, 2021)

10. Our Culture of Wasting our Working Lives

Life is NOT a Journey – Alan Watts ~ After Skool (Sep 6, 2017)

11. The Capitalist Catastrophe of Pharmaceutical Industry

Patents to make huge profits from killing lots of people. Insane pricing of medical drugs. And lying about side effects and addiction to boost the insanely high profits.

Dean Baker: A Libertarian Myth & the Price of Patent Greed ~ The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (Sep 23, 2021)

12. Capitalist Silly Myths and Painful Realities

Jason Hickel: Degrowth as a Force for Change ~ The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (Sep 24, 2021)

13. Comedy: Biden Interview

Achmed thanks… uh… “interviews”, President Joe Biden | JEFF DUNHAM ~ (Sep 23, 2021)


And don’t forget to regularly look into The Revolution Continues for good reads.


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