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A 5 year journal…


One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book

Do you remember the fabulous Q&A journal I wrote about last year here? Daisy and I have now completed this and we have really enjoyed filling it in. We went back through it recently and it was so good looking at the answers from previous years, the final ones were so different to her 1st year. As this was finished I was on the search for something similar to complete, but with maybe a little more detail. I found the above and ordered one for Daisy and I. It has enough room to write a sentence about each day and would be perfect for any age group. A new mummy chronicling her journey with her beautiful baby (I wish I had recorded that time) or a teenager writing about her high school years (I always kept a diary and love to look back at it). I thought it would be perfect for Daisy to remember school and family time with us, holidays, birthday parties and what she has been up to and how she has felt. For me I want to remember these special years. The struggles, the triumphs, the highs and lows. So far it’s a huge hit.

Shelley x

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