Good Mooorning!!!

Good morning!

After going to bed early last night, I woke up refreshed and ready to go this morning!!! WHOO! HOO!!!

I was reading my copy of Self magazine last night and saw something that I just had to share with you…

You know my girrrl, Diane von Furstenberg? Apparently her new interior collection, Diane von Furstenberg Home, debuts this moneth and geatures tablecloths, bedding, pillows, dishes, and more ($20 to $300; As a long time DVF fan myself, I am looking forward to seeing her floral prints and earthy ornamentation adorning a sheet set (Spring 2009, anyone?).

Anyway, I am flying out the door to get to work, but I am in such a GREAT mood, even THAT won’t get me down!!! BRING IT ON, WORLD!!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS day!!!

Note to Chunky Dunkers: Today is the day that YOU CAN DO IT!! Take it one choice at a time, one action at a time, one step at a time!!! Fitness is a journey, enjoy the ride!!! 😉

0 thoughts on “Good Mooorning!!!

  1. Alexa Moody

    Good Morning sister!!!! It is great to hear you so pumped up this morning!
    I woke up at 630am this morning to go potty…(hey I am still a mom, LOL) and thought I should just get up and start job hunting / applying on the pc now. I laid down and was listening to the very vocal birds outside my window and the next thing I know…it’s 10:27am! WTH!
    I felt like I actually did something wrong…is that strange to you?
    Anyways, so I am now having a bowl of multigrain-cherrios with half a banana and nonfat milk. A cup of coffee and my water bottle filled with ice and a lemon!
    I feel fine except for a kink in my upper mid back. I know….shouldnt have gone back to sleep…dang!
    Have a wonderful day sister and look forward to more blogs! Speaking of which..I need to tend to mine and start. Thank you for the reminder :o)

    1. christinaville Post author

      Wow!! You have been busy!! Good luck on the job hunting!! I know that the PERFECT job is out there just for YOU!!!

      GREAT job on your breakfast choices – the water with lemon sounds DIVINE!!! Go CHUNKY DUNKERS!!!! 😉

      I love you, sis! Have a FABULOUS day!!! 😉
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