TUSCARAWAS COUNTY – Dover City Schools release plans for 2020-2021 school year

(Dover, Ohio) – The Dover City School District has announced its responsible restart plan for the upcoming school year.

Officials have confirmed the district is moving forward with two pathways for 2020-2021 based on the family’s choice.

Face-to-face instruction will include flexible options A1 and A2 to meet safety guidelines that may change throughout the year.

A1: All students will attend in-person each day.

A2: Modified face-to-face instruction with grades K-3 moving forward with face-to-face instruction 5 days per week and remote learning only if needed. Grades 4-12 would attend face-to-face instruction 2 days per week with remote learning 3 days per week.  Students in grades 4-12 will be split into two groups (attending Mon/Thurs or Tues/Fr) with an effort made to keep families in the same groups.

Additionally, families will have the option to choose remote learning through the Dover Online Academy. This would entail 100% digital instruction that allows a family to opt into a fully online curriculum. The curriculum will still be taught by Dover teachers. The registration deadline for the fall is Wednesday, August 5th.

Officials add that the entire district will also be prepared to move all students to remote learning should it be necessary.

The first day of school for face-to-face instruction will be Tuesday, September 8th, 2020. Officials explained plans to use August 17th through September 4th to provide staff, student, and family training for online learning, connect with families, begin remote instruction, and assess student needs.

The full district restart plan, including general principals, health and safety protocols, etc. can be found here.

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