Local 4th Grader Proposes School Safety Preparedness to School Board

10-year-old Kohlton Calvey is urging the Claymont City School Board to take preventative measures when it comes to protecting students and staff from potential intruders.

Kohlton, a student at Claymont Intermediate School, presented a plan to the board members on Monday night where he outlined an idea to raise money for Barracudas. The equipment slides under classroom doors to keep them from being able to open.


B (1)
Barracuda – Emergency Safety Supply


“My mom always tells me before school, I love you and do something amazing today,” explained Kohlton. “So, I Just wanted to do something amazing. I love you, mom.”

Kohlton’s message appeared to be well received from school board members who seemed impressed and even asked him a few questions about the cost and how he planned to raise the money.

Kohlton suggested a bake sale; a hat day where kids could pay $1 to wear a hat and even a basket raffle which would include a movie, games, and snacks.

The average cost for a Barracuda, per a general Google search, is roughly $125.

Kohlton explained he’s experienced lockdowns at Claymont in the past and he simply wants his classmates and teachers to feel safer.

“I’m very proud of Kohlton, who always thinks of helping others,” added his mother Elaine Zurcher. “He makes me very proud of what he has achieved.”

At the end of the meeting, school board members shook his hand and he received his first, $100 donation.

This isn’t the first time Kohlton has put others first and his principal, Richard Page, took a moment during the meeting to give Kohlton praise for taking action. He noted Kohlton purchasing hats and gloves for his classmates at Christmas.

Also, following Hurricane Harvey back in late summer, Kohlton organized a school supply drive in which numerous boxes of supplies were delivered to students in Texas.

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Michaela Madison Reporting

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  1. Pingback:  10-Year-Old Boy’s School Safety Message Gains Traction | Newsymom.com

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