TikTok Time Traveler Predicts REAL Superheroes…Plus Other Events!

In February of this year Javier, aka the TikTok Time Traveler also known as @unicosobreviviente, has claimed to have woken up in the year 2027. His first video shows him walking through the city of Spain and showing how empty the stores and beaches area in the supposed year he is in. With eerie music in the background and the look of no one else in existence, he tells of what he is seeing and what he is learning. I have watched a couple of videos and this is the same formula that he uses for each video. He claims to be uploading these videos from 2027, but we are seeing them in the current time… huh!?

Javier is so desperate to prove that he is in fact in the future that he has given dates of supposed events that will be happening between now and the year 2027. So let’s look at what the TikTok Time Traveler predicts will happen!


NASA finds mirrored earth, opposite gravity, physics, and motion. All Doctor Who fans will be jumping with excitement if this is true. (If you know, you know).


Category six hurricane will hit South Carolina, and it is said to be the worst in history.


Eight humans will receive superpowers from the extreme energy of the sun… I volunteer as tribute! Not gonna lie this would be awesome, but seeing that all humans are dead in 2027, it might not be as great as it sounds.


Three teenagers will find a T-Rex egg as well as a device to open a portal to an alternate universe. I mean it makes sense since they will find a mirrored earth, but still have people never seen Jurassic Park? Because that is how you get a situation like Jurassic Park.


Atlantis is found in the Atlantic Ocean and is the home of human-fish life. I am sorry but the politically correct term is mermaid or merman.

Now me personally, I think the TikTok Time Traveler has watched one too many sci-fi movies and tv shows. If there is a possibility any of this is true then may I be hit in the face with a mermaid tail. In one of his videos, however, the TikTok Time Traveler tries to prove that he is in fact in the future, by showing the audience that the date on his computer reads 2027, but his desk calendar reads 2021. He just has some many inaccuracies that it is hard to take this seriously. The only way to find out is to wait and see.

CHECK OUT: Goodbye 2020 (And Good Riddance)

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