D21 Senate Candidate Mykala Voita carrying petition to void landowner bill of rights. At same time she owns utility trenching company.

Sometimes you stumble across stuff that leaves you scratching your head.  District 21 Senate Candidate Mykala Voita already had my radar up with her “End Time Army” participation, and her latest goofiness is no different.

So here’s the set up. According to her campaign facebook page, in between far too many biblical quotes, earlier this month Voita was apparently carrying around petitions to void Senate Bill 201, the Landowner Bill of Rights because she’s anti-pipeline, etcetera.

With that in the background, I noticed this filing with the Secretary of State’s office, Voita’s Statement of Financial Interest, where she tells the world what she does, and who she works for:

According to this document, when Voita isn’t drilling with the end time army, her occupation is “Utility Construction,” and she declares herself to be a partner in Wells Utilities, LLC.  What do we know about her business? At least according to Facebook, its an “Excavation and Utility Contractor,” and elsewhere noted as a trenching contractor.

Rural water work. Wouldn’t that be a rural water pipeline?   So… in other words, District 21 Senate Candidate Mykala Voita, who is carrying around petitions to void Senate Bill 201, the Landowner Bill of Rights, is a utility and pipeline contractor?

If Voita would bother to read the initiated measure she’s circulating, Senate Bill 201’s official title is An Act to  provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights.

Why do I have the sense that this is a bit of contradiction that she’s campaigning to attack someone else’s pipeline, when I have no doubt she’s happy to accept money to trench another’s?  And of even greater consideration, why doesn’t she want indemnity for landowners? Because one of the major points in the landowner bill of rights, is to require pipeline companies to indemnify landowners for liability. Such as when someone putting in a pipeline tears across something they shouldn’t…  …Ooohhhh. As someone who digs for a living, maybe that’s why? 

While she’s on the campaign trail, is she going to go into detail what types of pipelines are good and bad?  Or what types of pipelines she’s happy to do work for, and which ones she won’t?  Are water pipelines ok, but she considers natural gas pipelines bad, because it’s far more volatile than c02 is, because co2 appears to be where she’s currently drawing the line?

It’s my understanding that because of the pipeline opposition groups, rural water systems are concerned they’re not going to be able to build systems anymore. I would think that Voita would be concerned with that.  You would think.  Utility and rural water companies should get some more detail from Mykala, as I’m guessing she’s happy to trench for them in the field, as long as they don’t notice she’s trying to jam up the ability to expand their grid of services.

You know, that’s one of the job of legislators, to dig deeper into issues before they start going of half-cocked.  Senator Erin Tobin does a good job of getting to the bottom of things before she shoots her mouth off.

And all this contradiction is an example why her opponent, Mykala Voita should probably stick to training in her End Time Army. Because she just isn’t ready for prime time.

7 thoughts on “D21 Senate Candidate Mykala Voita carrying petition to void landowner bill of rights. At same time she owns utility trenching company.”

  1. This does not surprise me at all. I have suspected that the people behind the curtain in the effort to repeal SB 201 are the ones who stand to gain from the CO2 pipeline. . If SB 201 is overturned, all that will be required is to sue one county to get their local ordinances overturned, cost their residents a lot of money, and the other counties will back down. Ultimately this will be cheaper for them than compliance with SB 201.

    1. You are absolutely right!! These people jumping on the fight SB201 have no clue what it even says…if they succeed, it makes things so much easier for this pipeline to get put in. People need to stop & think about what they are signing…and for goodness sakes, read it in full!! Do NOT sign those dang petitions!!

  2. It’s simple, you can be in favor of pipelines carrying certain things across public land and be against pipelines carrying other things across privately owned land where the owner has not granted permission to the private company. I think you profit from purposely complicating the situation.

  3. I don’t care what she does for a living. You go Girl, dig as many trenches as people will pay for…But…please don’t run for the State House as a fully fledged member of the End Time Army…it just reveals how lost in fantasy she is. Not, a Common Sense Conservative. Probably Gun Crazy.

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