Whole Tree Axe Mod for Minecraft 1.19/1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5


Whole Tree Axe Mod is another cut-down tree mod that adds an axe that harvests complete trees at once. In other words, this mod features a unique axe that can destroy an entire tree by breaking one block. The axe should work with wood from most mods. If not, you can add them to the config file. The axe has 59 uses and is used by a right-click on a woodblock.

wholetreeaxe mod 1


How to Install Whole Tree Axe Mod

1. Ensure you have already downloaded and installed the Minecraft Forge mod loader.
2. Download the mod on this web page.
3. Find the Minecraft directory folder (.minecraft).
4. Place the mod file you downloaded; you will have only drop (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
5. While you launch Minecraft and click on the mods button, you need to see now the mod is put in.

Whole Tree Axe Mod 1.19.2 / 1.16.5 Download Links
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