2014-12-11 LG Minutes

22 01 2015

Date: 2014-12-11

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Tee called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Bel, Dav0, Et, Peter, Sofia, Tee, Zyzzy



Old Business

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Previous minutes’ approval moved, seconded, and carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

  • Report: Given our continuing deficit, I recommend that our stewardship goal for next year should be to encourage everyone to give real pledges, not tokens. In other words, a pledge of L5000 may seem generous, but it is only $20. However, twenty individuals pledging an average of $70 a year would be an income level that would support our programs without deficit.
  • Suggestion is to ask for pledges by naming US$ amounts so that it seems more reasonable. US$40 is about L$10,000.
  • Sofia will draft a message about pledging and run it by the group in January.
  • The tables below are for two months, given the nature of our holiday Leadership Group schedule
Treasurer’s report October 31, 2014 – Year to date

ASSETS September 30, 2014 October 31,2014
Magic’s account L46,842 L53,572
Byk’s account L63,503 $842.73 L65,903 $842.73
KIVA: $475 $475
Total Assets L110,345 $1317.73 L119,475 $1317.73
Presenters: L33,500 L39,000
Rent: L250,000 L250,000
Advertising: L2000 L2200
Total Expenses L285,500 L291,200
Plate collections: L53,277 L55,677 Includes library
Pledge payments: L126,850 L144,250 100% of pledged
Total Income L180,127 L199,927
Membership 68 68
  • Treasurer’s Report November 30, 2014 – Year to date
ASSETS October 31,2014 November 30, 2014
Magic’s account L53,572 L59,482
Byk’s account L65,903 $842.73 L15,403 $842.73
KIVA: $475 $475
Total Assets L119,475 $1317.73 L74,885 $1317.73
Presenters: L39,000 L45,000
Rent: L250,000 L300,000
Advertising: L2200 L2200
Total Expenses L291,200 L347,200
Plate collections: L55,677 L61,837 Includes library
Pledge payments: L144,250 L144,250 100%
Total Income L199,927 L206.087
Membership 68 68

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • At the moment, we have only 2 x 4096 parcels in Alcott available.
  • Holly, Birch (Moonrise Azalee), and Pomona Writer have taken parcels.
  • UUtopia security concerns – Peter
  • Peter provided a list of concerns and suggestions.

Outreach – Et

  • Et has been in contact with Andy Pakula (?). They have agreed to talk over the Christmas holidays. CLF services hampered by browser issues.

Library Report – Bel

  • Bel has been more active recently. She’s started a new project – a special building just for UU and the seven principles. It will be placed next to the library.

Worship Report- Tee

  • Thanks to Et, Dav0 and Peter for leading services this round.
  • Others will be approached about leading services.

Upcoming Services – Tee

  • 12/11 – Dav0
  • 12/18 Peter – “Baha’i Reflections on the First Principle – The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person”
  • 12/25 Possibly Tee if she isn’t on the road
  • 1/1 Is this another tough day?
  • 1/ 8
  • 1/15
  • 1/22
  • 1/29

New Business

  • World Religion Day – Sunday January 18 – Peter and Bel (Peter suggests this year’s topic be: “Communing with the Transcendent – Multi-Faith Reflections on Prayer”.)
  • Suggestion is to host it here by the library
  • Consider having a freebie area with UU-related items.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:17 pm SLT

Action Items

  • Sofia will create a proposal for next month’s meeting.
  • Zyzzy willl create a notecard on security issues for managers.

