20190121 – Monday – Coffee with Phyl

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20190121 – Monday – Coffee with Phyl

This morning began as a very subdued day.

Everything was the same as yesterday, but everything was different.

All the same people were out there, early in the morning, walking their dogs, riding their bikes and sitting drinking coffee, but somehow everything was muted.

The sky was not a clear brilliant blue like yesterday, but an overcast, softly shaded grey day.

I wondered at how different the FEEL was when the colour of the sky changed.

Only when I got to the seafront did the bustle of life step up a bit.

Here, every one smiled at each other and waved and the dogs barked.

The water was pond-still and was dotted with lots of little boats and there were people in the water bathing, so the water must have been warm.

I wondered at all the small changes I noticed each day as I drove on much the same route as I did each day, on the way to the INC cafe and my morning green tea.

I parked my car, took my walker out of the boot and decided to check my phone before I moved into the cafe.

I had a message.

It was Phyl K.

She wrote: 

Hello good morning Friend Fay…are you free this morning? I have a Physio appt at 1.30 but could do morning tea at 10 am. Sacha think?

I wrote back:

Yes, yes, and yes!!

She wrote back.

Goodo!! I’d better get dressed eh. If you come here we’ll go somewhere nice. 

So I put my walker back in my car, drove home and changed into something more suitable for coffee with Phyl and drove to Vista.

Phyl and I have been very close friends way back when I was 11 years of age and Phyl was 14 years old.

And so much water has gone under the bridge over those years.

Phyl is a wonderful friend and time spent with her is of such good value.

And we both long for and talk about the kingdom.

I went in and chatted with John until Phyl had watered some necessary parts of her garden and had come in and dressed for the trip.

I tried to tell John what I had “been up to, lately” but found that he had already read my blog and knew everything I had done.

“I thought you weren’t on facebook” I said.

“I’m not, said John, but Ben and Sharon are, so there is nothing you can talk about that I haven’ already heard, including your escapade in Wail State Forest where the police had to be called in!!” Said John.

So Phyl and I said goodbye to John and the dog and happily went of to where? 

I didn’t take any notice of where we went, so I will have to ask Phyl where it was that she took me if I ever want go to there again.

The food was delicious and there was a glorious view out over some gardens. 

So we passed the next couple of hours eating and drinking and chatting. 

I know of few better ways to spend one’s time.

John had taken one photo of the two of us, Phyl and Fay, which will now go into the archives of our friendship.