Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars – Low Carb, 5 Ingredient!

decadent, thick keto coconut bars topped with a velvety layer of rich dark chocolate. The best keto coconut chocolate bars—Low Carb. Only 1 net carb per bar!

Have you ever tried making a homemade Mounds bar? In some parts of the world they’re known as Bounty bars. How about a keto coconut bar? Basically, both of these bars are for the Coconut Chocolate Lovers’ Club. (That has got to be a thing.)

But making one of those coconut chocolate bars at home can be quite the hassle… there’s chocolate to dip, so many sides to coat, and a hot mess of a kitchen to deal with afterwards.

So today, I thought I’d share something a bit easier, a bit/a LOT tastier, and something a whole lot more keto. (Okay, the others aren’t keto at all, so I suppose that isn’t much of a comparison. Lol.)

Are you ready for the best low carb, keto coconut chocolate bars? Or shall I phrase it as keto chocolate coconut bars? These thick, sweet coconut bars are topped with the most delicious velvety chocolate and boast the most mouthwatering coconut chew.

Let’s no bake this!

How to Make Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars

These keto coconut chocolate bars are so easy to make! Check out the steps below to see:


Grab an 8-inch square baking pan and line it with wax paper.

Make the Coconut Bars

Add all coconut bar ingredients to a food processor: coconut flakes, coconut oil, coconut cream and keto maple syrup. Blend all of the ingredients together until you create a sticky, wet coconut bar dough.

Spread this coconut bar mixture into the prepared pan. Smooth the coconut mixture into an even, tightly-packed layer.

Make the Chocolate Layer

Melt the keto chocolate chips and coconut cream together. Stir the two ingredients together until smooth. You’ve just created your coconut chocolate layer!

Pour, Chill & Enjoy

Pour the melted coconut chocolate layer over the coconut bar mixture. Smooth it out until you get an even layer. Freeze the keto coconut bars for about 40-70 minutes. Slice and enjoy the best keto coconut chocolate bars!

RELATED: 3 Ingredient Easy Keto Balls

Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars: decadent keto coconut bars topped with a velvety layer of rich dark chocolate. The best keto coconut chocolate bars—Low Carb, super easy to make and mouthwateringly good! #Keto #Coconut #LowCarb #KetoBars | Recipe at

The 5 ingredients you need for perfect Keto Coconut Bars

Coconut Flakes

Coconut Oil

Coconut Cream

Keto Maple Syrup

Keto Chocolate Chips

Storing and Freezing Your Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars

Room Temperature

It’s okay to keep your keto coconut bars at room temperature for 3-4 hours, but I wouldn’t recommend doing so for longer. If you need to keep the keto coconut chocolate bars for longer, I recommend storing them in the refrigerator or the freezer. 


You can store your keto coconut chocolate bars in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. The topping will stay deliciously softened, so no worries about that! Just store the keto coconut bars in an airtight container in the fridge.


If storing your keto coconut bars in the freezer, just make sure to protect the chocolate topping—yep, protect. 😉 The coconut chocolate topping will remain soft no matter how cold it is, so just be sure to store your keto coconut bars in a hard container that doesn’t smoosh the chocolate topping. Other than that, your keto coconut bars are clear to be stored for up to 1 month. 

Satisfy your sweet tooth with thick keto coconut bars topped with rich, deep chocolate topping. Low Carb never tasted so good!

Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars: decadent keto coconut bars topped with a velvety layer of rich dark chocolate. The best keto coconut chocolate bars—Low Carb, super easy to make and mouthwateringly good! #Keto #Coconut #LowCarb #KetoBars | Recipe at

How excited are you to make the best keto coconut chocolate bars? SUPER? DUPER? Oooooh, let me have this! 😉 I’m so happy to be sharing in these keto kitchen adventures with you and your loved ones. ‘Til the next one…

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

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Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars: decadent keto coconut bars topped with a velvety layer of rich dark chocolate. The best keto coconut chocolate bars—Low Carb, super easy to make and mouthwateringly good! #Keto #Coconut #LowCarb #KetoBars | Recipe at

📸 Did you make this keto coconut bars recipe? Take a pic and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #beamingbaker & tag @beamingbaker. I’d love to see it! 📸

More Delicious Keto Coconut Recipes

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Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars: decadent keto coconut bars topped with a velvety layer of rich dark chocolate. The best keto coconut chocolate bars—Low Carb, super easy to make and mouthwateringly good! #Keto #Coconut #LowCarb #KetoBars | Recipe at

Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars – Low Carb, 5 Ingredient!

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Keto Coconut Chocolate Bars: decadent keto coconut bars topped with a velvety layer of rich dark chocolate. The best keto coconut chocolate bars—Low Carb, super easy to make and mouthwateringly good!



Keto Coconut Bars

Keto Chocolate Layer


  1. Line an 8-inch square baking pan with wax paper or parchment paper. Set aside for later.
  2. Make the Keto Coconut Bars: Add coconut shreds, coconut oil, coconut cream, and maple syrup to a food processor. Blend until you get a wet and sticky mixture, with smaller, just slightly noticeable coconut pieces. Note: the bigger the pieces, the more crumbly the bars will be.
  3. Pour coconut mixture into the prepared pan. Press down and smooth until you get a tightly packed layer. Set aside while preparing the chocolate layer.
  4. Make the Keto Chocolate Layer: Use the double boiler method, or do the following. In a medium, microwave-safe bowl, add Keto Chocolate Layer ingredients: chocolate chips and coconut cream. Heat in 15-second increments until just slightly softened and melted, being careful not to burn. Stir thoroughly in between heating increments, until smooth.
  5. Pour melted chocolate over coconut bars. Using a clean rubber spatula, smooth into an even layer. Freeze for 40-70 minutes. Slice into 16 bars. Enjoy! Storing instructions below.

More Delicious Keto Coconut Recipes


Where to Buy Ingredients: Keto Maple Syrup | Keto Chocolate Chips | Coconut CreamUnsweetened Small Coconut Shreds

*How to replace coconut cream with cream from canned coconut milk: the night before, place a can of full-fat coconut milk (cans NOT marked “light”) in the fridge, being careful not to shake the contents. Day of, open the can and gently scoop the solid, white coconut layer off the top—this is coconut cream.

Refrigerator & Freezer Storing Instructions (preferred): Store in an airtight container for 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator. If freezing, store in an airtight, freezer-friendly container for up to 1 month. Allow to thaw for 15 minutes before enjoying. Make sure to store the bars in a hard-shell container that doesn’t smoosh the chocolate topping, as the topping will be soft no matter how cold it is.

Room Temperature Storing Instructions: Okay to store at room temperature for 3-4 hours, but soft and a bit fragile. Best if kept in the refrigerator.

Nutrition Info is an estimate calculated based on the ingredients listed in Where to Buy Ingredients (click the links for exact products).

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 0 mins
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Chill
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1 bar
  • Calories: 141
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Sodium: 8.4mg
  • Fat: 13.7g
  • Carbohydrates: 4.7g, Net Carbs: 1g
  • Fiber: 3.7g
  • Protein: 1.2g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

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  1. This looks amazing. MY absolute fave thing used to be bounties and now I’m so excited to try these
    Can you please give me these measurements in metric ??
    The cups into grams ??🙏🙏🙏

  2. I love that these are only 5 ingredients! Chocolate and coconut is a match made in heaven, and I can’t wait to try these!

  3. Oh wow! These are going to be a hit here! Looks so wonderful and so yummy! My hubby is definitely going to want more! So excited!