How Was Our Pepperoni Pizza Melt at Gorilla Cheese?

(credit: NYSF)

It’s been a while since we’ve been to the Gorilla Cheese truck, and their Pepperoni Pizza Melt special sounded like something we wanted to try. From the description, it didn’t sound like a slice of pepperoni pizza on grilled bread. It sounded a bit more interesting.

The Pepperoni Pizza Melt sandwich itself costs $7, and it’s $10 for a combo, which comes with an order of tater tots and a drink. I ordered the sandwich only, but ended up with a combo. Click through to find out why.

(credit: NYSF)

There were about 6-8 people waiting for lunch, and we were order #60. After waiting about 10 minutes, he called out #58 & 59. A few minutes later, he called out #61 & 62. Hey, where’s my lunch?

We asked where #60 was, and he said it was coming up shortly. There was obviously a snafu, but after a few more minutes, lunch arrived. Because of the wait, he upgraded me to a combo, with tater tots and a drink. Now that’s good customer service.

According to the menu, Gorilla Cheese’s Pepperoni Pizza Melt is sliced pepperoni, smoked mozzarella, sliced tomato, sun-dried tomatoes, and a tomato pesto aioli. We’re not big on raw tomato, but like the tang of sun-dried tomatoes. We asked for no sliced tomato, but to keep the sun-dried tomatoes.

As usual, the Pepperoni Pizza Melt was perfectly grilled to a beautiful golden brown color. Taking a few bites, the pepperoni and smoked mozzarella were tasty and came through just fine.

(credit: NYSF)

We were waiting for the tang of sun-dried tomatoes, but it never came. Opening up the sandwich to investigate, there were no sun-dried tomatoes in there. That’s too bad, because it would have gone very well with the spiciness of the pepperoni and the smokiness of the mozzarella.

We’re not quite sure about the tomato pesto aioli either. There were no herbs to speak of in the sandwich, and a little pesto would have been a welcome addition. Maybe things got rushed because the order was originally missed.

Overall, the pepperoni and smoked mozzarella melt was a good sandwich, with plenty of pepperoni and cheese on nicely grilled bread, but it could have been more. With sun-dried tomatoes and pesto, “it coulda been a contenda”.

Gorilla Cheese gets around to different neighborhoods for lunch and dinner, so you should check their twitter here or our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.  They have a special sandwich each week that’s usually a good way to go.

(credit: NYSF)