Reading, not Blogging Much

PartingI’ve been reading this, along with the other two books I mentioned last week (The New Monasticism book and In Good Company: The Church As Polis by Hauerwas. I have some designs on rolling back through Becoming the Authentic Church again as well.

The Taylor Branch book, Parting the Waters: America In The King Years 1954-63 has me hooked. There are two more books in the series. I saw the third book , At Canaan’s Edge: America In The King Years 1965-68 in the bookstore on MLK day, and so I went to the library and checked out the first in the 3 part series. The middle one, Pillar of Fire: America In The King Years 1963-65. Taylor Branch is an excellent writer. I’m about 120 pages in.

I have some quotes from The New Monasticism book as well that I will eventually be blogging about.

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