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Iceni Magazine | June 6, 2024

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What Should You Do If Your Gutters Break?


The gutters are one of the most important parts of the exterior of a house, but it’s actually something that isn’t often thought about. When was the last time you put any mind to your gutters?

For the most part, most homeowners don’t have to worry about them. Sure, there’s the seasonal gutter cleaning, but that’s maybe one or two days a year at maximum. But what do you do when your gutters break? Is this even possible? How long can they go broken without any damage being done to the house? You’ll learn all about it here!

Start by Calling for Professional Help

Why are the gutters so important? Well, this prevents any built-up water from destroying the structural integrity of your home or the foundation. Seriously, when the gutters break, you can expect this to be nothing but bad news! Plus, a clogged gutter can also lead to serious issues, such as a leaky basement. This can damage the foundation and cause various problems, such as rot and mold growth. Overall, it just gets worse and worse. So what you’re going to need to do is call up a professional immediately to help you get out of this mess. They’re going to know exactly what to do to fix this. You’ll want to get mold remediation help after the gutter problem has been sorted, to prevent the mold from growing back.

Look into Removing Clogs

A broken gutter is going to cause severe damage, but you can count on a clogged gutter to have the same effect. One of the most common clogs is leaves and other debris. Fortunately, it’s usually easy to unclog them. It happens; it’s very normal for gutters to be clogged, especially if you have trees in your yard. When it’s clogged, you don’t need to go to a professional; it’s actually something you can fix by yourself.

A drain snake can often get rid of most clogs, but you may need to try it several times. Simply feed the snake into the drain until it feels resistance, then rotate it to break up the clog. Alternatively, you can install gutter guards, as they’re perfect for preventing debris from getting into your gutters in the first place.

Keep them Clean

If your gutters are broken, there’s a very high chance it’s due to the clogged-up filth, mildew, and mold it had to withstand. While, yes, cleaning the gutters is a grueling chore, it’s one that should be done at least twice a year for most homes. It’s especially important to clean the gutters before and after winter, so they can safely handle the accumulated snow and rain.

If your gutters are entirely broken, or you think they are, check to see if they’re clogged. If you’re positive that they need a new replacement, then it may be time to create a regular gutter cleaning routine. Besides, creating an outdoor cleaning and maintenance routine is one of those unmissable essentials that every homeowner needs!

Maybe It’s Time for a Replacement

How old is your house? Did you know that every 20 years your gutters will need a replacement? Depending on the age of the house, there may be a high chance that it’s already time to get a new gutter replacement anyways.

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