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Iceni Magazine | June 10, 2024

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Scott McGlynn Interviewed

scott mcglynn, interviewed, Showbiz, Interviewer, Author, TV Presenter, Podcaster

Scott McGlynn: Showbiz Interviewer / Author / TV Presenter and Podcaster.


ALW = Alex Wiseman
SM = Scott McGlynn

ALW: Brilliant to interview you, Scott.
SM: Thank you for interviewing me, I love Iceni Magazine. Honoured to have this interview with you guys.

ALW: By the looks of it have you have a pretty cool job don’t you?
SM: Ha! Yes everyday I get to chat to some amazing inspirational fun people. It’s very interesting finding out what peoples backgrounds are especially in the showbiz / celebrity world, I’m so noisy 🙂 I ask the questions that everyone wants to know the answer to 🙂

ALW: Having interviewed so many people what’s your favourite interview so far?
SM: So far I have to say Perez Hilton, DeeDee Foster, Daniel Franzese and Laura Alicia but i have a lot more exciting ones coming very soon to “The Scott McGlynn Show”

ALW: What’s your advice to anyone starting out and wanting to do this type of career?
SM: Know your audience and what you enjoy doing. I got pushed to do some jobs which i wasn’t 100% happy about, and wasn’t enjoying it, but I have been doing my show for 9 months and I absolutely love it! There’s not another show out there like min, which gets celebrity’s  talking LGBT Coming Out issues. I did months of research and made “The Scott McGlynn Show” Podcast Show on that topic.

I set myself goals and tasks to always be fresh and new every episode, It’s defiantly get the right structure.

scott mcglynn, interviewed, Showbiz, Interviewer, Author, TV Presenter, Podcaster

ALW: Last year your book ‘Out’ was published. The book describes your experiences growing up and learning to accept being gay and your experiences of being bullied. What was your inspiration for writing it all down and then publishing it?
SM: I always wanted to share my story to help others in school or even workplaces who are getting bullied about who they are. It was tough growing up and I don’t want anyone going through what I did. I wanted to help others reading my story and the outcome it has which is positive at the end, I bring this to life through my Podcast show, talking with celebrities and myself about these issues.

ALW: I think it’s a wonderful thing you have written this book and I very much look forward to reading it. Where can readers order their own copies?
SM: Its available on Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes and Nobel.

ALW: What exciting plans do you have planned for the next year?
SM: I’m actually doing a 2nd edition to the book as we speak. It’s a long process i’m taking me time, it’ll be more emotional, with more experiences and laughs, Stay tuned.

ALW: Thank you for taking the time to speak to Iceni Magazine.
SM: Thank you very much for having me!

scott mcglynn, interviewed, Showbiz, Interviewer, Author, TV Presenter, Podcaster

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