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Moroccan Preserved Lemon Ice Cream #cookingwithalia #morocco #preservedlemon

Easy” 1 small box 4 hour “2 lemons, washed 2 Moroccan preserved lemons 280 ml (1 cup and 2 tablespoons) milk 4 tablespoons granulated sugar (or to taste)” “1- Cut the organic lemons and preserved lemons, and remove the seeds from them. 2- In a blender, blend the organic lemons and preserved Moroccan lemons with the milk and sugar until the mixture is smooth. 3- Strain the mixture into a bowl. 4- Transfer the mixture to an ice cube tray. 5- Place it in the freezer for two hours. 6- Put the ice cream cubes back in the blender and blend until creamy. 7- Freeze for another two hours. 8- Serve immediately and enjoy the wonderful taste.”

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