
Happy Friday everyone!

As our time here in Columbus County has come to an end, every single one of our squads have completed their work at their job sites, and some even got to complete work at two sites this week!

During this week, our participants have painted, roofed, constructed floors, completed electrical work, and finished demolition work in the Fair Bluff town hall.

The work here has not only allowed our participants to grow outside of their concert zones, but also to grow closer in their walks with God.

We even had five students from one of our participating churches get baptized today!

After their last day of work, our participants got to enjoy their last evening together with the Closing Celebration. During this time, we recognized some of the adults, such as our construction captains and squad leaders, who worked especially hard this week to guide our students on the job sites. Several of our homeowners even got to come celebrate with us too!

During worship tonight, our speaker explained to us that life, like this week, is hard, amazing, challenging, and full of amazing moments. We will be challenged spiritually and physically, as we were throughout this week.

While reading from Matthew 28, Brent gave us a challenge to go back home with the knowledge and excitement for Jesus that we have obtained this week, and share the truth with others. This is to show people who Jesus is in the ways we act, speak, and treat others.

This has been an awesome week here in Columbus County, and we are sad to see it come to an end.

Thank you so much for following along with us this week!

To check out some pictures from the week, follow our Facebook page. To learn more about our week here in Columbus County, and the other projects happening this summer, check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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Your Summer Staff,

Jordan and Will