Quote of the day

Quote of the day (from Facebook):

“I was going to start my legal defense fund today, but I realized that non criminals don’t need one.”


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10 thoughts on “Quote of the day

  1. Well, you know, he has to defend those people who were supposed to be working for him, but who were taking direction from and working for others. The law allows him to defend his “agents” apparently even if they were only his agents in what they were supposed to be doing, and not in the things they weren’t supposed to be doing, which is the whole point here, and I bet there’s a few terms from Black’s Law dictionary that apply here that I don’t know.

    1. I’m not. Who wrote it?

      No, really. It’s a serious question. Who wrote it? I guess that’s two questions. Who are you “pretty sure. . .wrote that”? And, for everyone else, who ACTUALLY wrote it?

      Anyway, it is funny. And as it is with most truly funny statements, it is grounded in a universal and obvious truth.

    1. Can you tell I’m not on Facebook? (*wink*)

      Thanks, Doug, both for the response AND for having originally been responsible for the “Quote Of The Day [being able to express such “nail on the head” brilliance in under twenty words isn’t exactly commonplace]”.

      The verbal equivalent of a slam dunk. Well done!

      Ouch!!! Huh, Scotty?


      OUch, indeed!

  2. Good new look for the site! I can actually read it thoroughly without having to decide what I think looks good from a few lines. Thanks!

    1. Ironically enough, it’s actually not a new look; it’s the old theme revamped.

      I was tired of the entry snippets and the fact that the comments didn’t thread properly.

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