New Delhi, March 20 : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday said it has apprehended two persons, including a Senior Intelligence Officer posted at the office of Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI), Ghaziabad, in an alleged bribery case. The accused have been identified as Mohit Dhankar, Senior Intelligence Officer and Rakesh Sharma, a private person, the investigating agency said in a statement here. It said a case was registered against the accused on the allegations of bribe. The accused allegedly demanded bribe of Rs one crore through private persons/touts for showing official favour to the complainant’s father in a case at DGGI, Ghaziabad. On this basis, CBI laid a trap and caught the private person for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 60 lakh as the first installment on behalf of the officer. Later, the officer was also caught, said a CBI spokesperson. Searches are being conducted at the premises of the accused, added the statement. CM RJ

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