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5 signs your boyfriend hates you and wants to break up



He loves me, or he loves me not? These might be the questions on your mind when your boyfriend starts acting strange, and you can place a finger on what’s wrong.

He might be harbouring resentment, or his feelings have disappeared, but he can’t say it.

Here are the signs your relationship is over:

When a man is over you, he has no filter in his mouth; he says the meanest things because he’s trying to trigger you and get you to break up with him.

The way you eat, dress, walk, talk, everything about you annoys him. Imagine you ask him, “Where are your keys?” and he replies, “You always ask stupid questions,” or you ask him, “How’s my hair?” and he says, “You’ve done better hairstyles.”

He suddenly asks so coldly—no call, no texts, no dates. This was someone who couldn’t stop talking to you on the phone, and used to set up dates and outings. All of a sudden, he seems so far away and is suddenly too busy for you.

Whether you had a bad day at work or school or you are going through something particularly depressing, he doesn’t care, and he lets you know that by his actions.

You find yourself asking and begging him to show some concern. He can even forget your birthday and anything else that’s important to you. Ladies, when this happens, it’s time to move on.

Yes, things are bad; you can sense it, but he won’t admit it. He doesn’t call or text you anymore. When you first met him, it didn’t look like he had a life outside of you; now he is cold and distant.

You call him, and he doesn’t pick up. When he does pick, his responses are as cold as Canada in the winter, so you try to talk through the issues by discussing how you have noticed the changes, and he shuts you down by saying nothing is wrong.

It could be that he’s spending more time with ‘his guys’ or he’s going out on dates with other women. Either way, you can sense the shift in his attention.

Sometimes, when you call him, his line is always engaged; He’s online but your texts go unresponded. He’s always talking to someone else, and that someone isn’t you.

Ladies, protect your mental health by ending the relationship when you aren’t being treated right, he knows what he’s doing and it’s not just in your mind.


I left my marriage because I was providing more than my ex, says Yvonne Jegede




Yvonne Jegede, the Nigerian actress, has opened up on the circumstances that led to her divorce.

The movie star married Olakunle Abounce Fawole, a fellow actor, in 2017. But their union hit the rocks barely a year into the marriage. They both have a son together named Xavier.

In a snippet of the Honest Bunch podcast’s latest edition, Yvonne sighted a variety of factors that led to the end of their union.

The actress said Fawole started taking her jokes and playful mannerisms as “disrespect” even though it was not like that before marriage.

The movie star said she left her marriage because she “contributed more financially than Fawole”.

“He is eight years older than me. But the moment we got married, if I tell am say, you dey craze, he would say I am disrespecting him. I would wonder if it was the same person I got married to,” she said.

“But that was not the main reason I left the marriage. Let me just say the fact, I was bringing more of the money. I am taking care of my son like nobody exists around me. It is not easy. I would have gone for money instead of love.”

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Vera Sidika throws wild divorce party to celebrate ending marriage with Brown Mauzo (Video)




Vera Sidika has taken breakup game to the next level with a wild and lavish divorce party after ending marriage with Brown Mauzo.

Social media influencer and businesswoman Vera Sidika has set new standards in celebrating breakup by throwing a lavish Divorce party to mark a new chapter after her failed marriage to singer Brown Mauzo.

Taking to social media, Vera gave the world a glimpse into how the party went down, opining that “a divorce party is better than therapy”.

Videos shared by the mother of two confirmed that the party lived up to her expectations as it went down with all the elements that characterize a ratchet and wild party.

“Welcome to my DIVORCE PARTY!!!! 🥵💃🏼Theme; Ratchet 😂 Doing a divorce party is better than therapy.” Vera captioned the video, adding that “MARRIAGE IS A SCAM 🚨 TRENDSETTER 😩.”

The party was graced by The Real Housewives of Nairobi cast plus a few of her friends.

“Free like a bird, let’s get this party started. Marriage is a scam you all,” Vera shouted during the party that was graced by The Real Housewives of Nairobi cast and her friends.

She clarified that her stand on marriage was a personal opinion and not a fact, noting that while to her marriage is a scam, it is a beautiful thing to others.

“When I say marriage is a scam that’s my opinion and views on it. It’s not a fact. To some marriage is beautiful, to me marriage is a scam,” she said.

She defended a particular lifestyle, accusing Kenyans of being hypocrites and criticizing the same things that they do in private behind closed doors.

“Kenya tunapenda usherati, but act holy when we see someone else openly living that life carefree. Not that we hate it. We just hate their guts. But do the same thing behind closed doors,”. Vera slammed.

Guests at the party clearly understood the assignment, stepping out in carnival costumes.

Revelers were seen having a good time with music, drinks and fun flowing freely.

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Six mistakes to avoid on a first date




Meeting your love interest for the first time can be exciting and nerve-wracking. First dates often come with a rush of emotions and frequent questions about what to wear, what to say, and how to act.

Despite the uncertainties and anxiety that accompany first dates, it is important to make a good impression and ensure a smooth experience to avoid sabotaging the chance of a meaningful relationship.

Given this, here are mistakes you should steer clear of to ensure a smooth and enjoyable date experience.

  • Being late

Showing up late to a date can create a bad first impression. It can even give off the impression that you do not value or respect your date and his/her time.

To avoid being late, plan your journey and aim to arrive a few minutes early to demonstrate punctuality and consideration.

In case of unexpected delays, communicate with your date. Let him/her know why you will be running late and do not forget to apologise.

  • Dressing inappropriately

You should dress the way you want to be addressed by your date.

Do you know your appearance can speak volumes about your personality, confidence, style, and preferences? So dress and appear in a way that will give a long-lasting positive impression.

Dress appropriately and comfortably without going overboard or overdressing for the event.

  • Constantly checking your phone

Why are you at the date in the first place when you know you will be on your phone throughout?

It is important to put your phone away during a date so you won’t make your date feel unimportant and ignored.

So put away your phone, pay attention, listen, and engage in conversation. Make yourself fully present and interested during conversations.

The only reason you should be on your phone constantly is when you are expecting an important call or message. And your date must have been aware of this beforehand.

  • Talking too much

Yes, you should be active in the conversation but moderation is key. Do not overdo it.

Some people tend to talk more when nervous which is understandable. However, remember that a date is a conversation, and it should be balanced: your date talks, and you talk.

Try not to dominate the conservation. Talking too much about yourself is a major turn-off on a first date.

The essence of a date is for both people to get to know each other so practice active listening.

Ask open-ended questions to encourage your date to share about themselves and aim for a balanced conversation.

Also, avoid bringing up politics or religious subjects. These subjects can be controversial and create tension or disagreement.

  • Talking about your ex

Understandably, you want something serious and you want to do a little preliminary digging.

There is no harm in asking but let it come up organically. Also, do not dwell on it for too long.

Give your date time to open up about his/her past relationship. Do not force it, not even on the first date.

Try not to also bring in your past relationships except when you are asked. This can make your date uncomfortable and give the impression that you are not over your exes.

Rather, keep the conversation light and focused on getting to know each other.

Save more personal topics for later dates when a deeper connection has been established.

  • Trying to get physically intimate too soon

Pushing for physical intimacy too early can create discomfort and send the wrong message.

First dates are meant to establish a connection and understand compatibility, not to rush into physical relations.

So, respect personal boundaries and focus on building emotional and intellectual connections first.

If the relationship works out, there is plenty of time to explore physical intimacy.

But on a first date, do not try to establish physical intimacy to avoid coming off as creepy or desperate.

Remember, be yourself throughout the conversation and let the relationship develop naturally. Don’t force it.

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Bodex F. Hungbo, SPMIIM is a multiple award-winning Nigerian Digital Media Practitioner, Digital Strategist, PR consultant, Brand and Event Expert, Tv Presenter, Tier-A Blogger/Influencer, and a top cobbler in Nigeria.

She has widespread experiences across different professions and skills, which includes experiences in; Marketing, Media, Broadcasting, Brand and Event Management, Administration and Management with prior stints at MTN, NAPIMS-NNPC, GLOBAL FLEET OIL AND GAS, LTV, Silverbird and a host of others

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