When You’re Out of Diapers, You Buy Yarn

We realized yesterday evening that we were just about out of diapers. As we’ve been having house showings, I’ve been hiding absolutely everything in our house. That being said, we may very well have more diapers πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Somewhere. But I’m not sure. So we figured we’d go in this morning for diapers, and a few other things. Not a big shop at all.

Which was convenient, because Costco was HOPPIN’! Man! It was crazy in there! And our crew just added to it, hahaha! But it was a VERY cute train, if I do say so myself 😍

Two carts because one needed to hold a box of diapers, and one needed to hold a car seat. Basically, one was a stroller πŸ˜† It worked.

We got our diapers, and the few other things we needed. Potatoes. Chicken stock. Parmesan cheese. Nothing crazy.

Once we got back to the van, we started into the city for a quick Walmart shop as well. Two of the kids needed jeans, and Brady needed shoes for work.

Goals achieved πŸ†

And the last hit was Michaels, because yarn was “buy two get one free!” And maybe you know, maybe you don’t, but I committed to a marketplace at the end of the November, and now that I know the direction I’m moving in for it, I need to get my colors in hand!! Its going to be a very pretty season!

We made it home for a late lunch. Now, kids are mostly bathed, laundry is running, the dishwasher is running, and Brady is out in the garage working on the power steering in the minivan.

While this is not our preferred way to spend Sundays, its been a really nice day πŸ’œ I really love my family, and its a true joy to be out and about all together. Thank you, Lord.