What Do You Keep as Favorites?

I’d love to know what kind of pictures you save as your “favorites.” Originally, when the idea of hearting a picture was new, I kept what I deemed as the best pictures of my kids. As you can imagine, that folder grew to be basically as big as my photo stream itself. I’m more selective now. While I’m not going to show you everything in my favorites folder, I’d love to recap what types of things I save there. And show you a little πŸ˜‰

First, what I definitely won’t show you, is that I save information I need. Personal phone numbers added to business cards. Documents. Nothing actually big and problematic if someone happened across it, but stuff I wouldn’t just splash around online. I have pictures of the rental information at our lake spot. I have some crochet patterns that I’ve bought and taken screenshots of that I save there. I have the floorplans to the house we are dreaming of building. I even have a picture of our license plate on there for parking purposes at the hospital. (PS I wish paid parking lots had something like a punch card, where you could buy 30 full days of parking and the intake people would just punch a hole with every visit. Wouldn’t that be SO much better?)

I also save things that I think are funny. Bad jokes. Funny pictures. Humour. I’ll share my favorites πŸ™‚

I’m trusting you guys already know how dry my humour is and won’t judge me for those…

I save some random pictures that are close to my heart.

The day Brady came home for an OT walk-thru that turned into a surprise home visit over suppertime

A winter walk with Cher

Those sandy feet, though! Our lake.

This picture reminds me that while so much has changed, so much is still the same. My heart loves this picture.

I save pictures of things I really want to crochet, whether I have a pattern for them or plan to just eyeball it. But I can’t show you those πŸ˜‰ Obviously.

I save pictures of things I’ve already made that I’m either very proud of (ie blankets) or of things that I want to be able to kind of “advertise” that I make. Like cloths, scrubbies, potholders, etc.

And I have pictures that are waiting for future blog posts to share, so I will not spoil them on here.

I guess you could pretty safely say I use my favorites folder as my dreaming folder. Lots about crocheting. And blogging. And the house we can’t build. My heart aches to be able to accomplish so much. So much ambition, and not enough energy. πŸ˜…

What do you save in your favorites folder?