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Palliatives: Ogun disclaims fake website promising free funds



Gov. Abiodun's Sun Award Well Deserved -Akume

Palliatives: Ogun disclaims fake website promising free funds




The Ogun State Government, on Wednesday, disowned a fake website set up by fraudsters ( asking Ogun indigenes to log in their details in order to received palliative funds from the Federal Government.



Palliatives: Ogun disclaims fake website promising free funds


In a statement issued by the Chief Economic Adviser to the Governor , Mr Oladapo Okubadejo, the government said that the website aimed at fleecing gullible and innocent residence of Ogun State did not emanate from the State Government.




It, therefore, warned residents of the state and Nigerians in general to refrain from inputing their personal details into the website, as the criminals behind it might harvest such details to perpetrate criminal transactions.




The statement said: “We wish to inform citizens of Ogun State that the website promoting the headline, FG 5bn Naira Ogun State Subsidy Palliative Online Registration (https://fg-5bns-naira-ogun-state.lin) is completely fake.






“The Ogun State Government has not set up any website for the purpose of distributing palliatives.

“Of course, as a responsible government, the Prince Dapo Abiodun administration has a multi-pronged palliative strategy, including the use of a social register generated during COVID-19 to distribute palliatives to vulnerable citizens, the payment of N10,000 to civil servants in the state, the provision of CNG-enabled buses to reduce the cost of transportation across the state, as well as the provision of electric motorcycles, among others.




“However, beneficiaries of the Ogun State Government’s palliatives are not required to visit any websites.

“The fake website has been reported to the authorities of the Nigeria Police Force and we will do everything possible under the law to ensure that the masterminds of the fraud are brought to book.”

He warned the people of the state against applying for any palliative from any quarter, noting that government is already working out modalities for the distribution of the palliatives received from the Federal Government.

He added that a committee, comprising stakeholders across the state has been constituted to come up with the distribution methods so that the items reached the intended populace.

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How Pro Kingsley Predicted The Devil’s Plan Against RCCG, MFM



How prophet Kingsley Aitafo Accurately Prophesied Sisi Quadri death


When God speaks, the wise listens. Again some of the prophetic warnings of Prophet Kingsley Aitafo has come to pass. Among his prophetic release for 2024, he declared that The Pastor Adeboye led RCCG and Dr. Daniel Olukoya led MFM will should be prayed for as the devil’s pain was to divide the church but that God should thwart it .



And of a truth, the two leading ministries experienced so many turbulent storms from enemy withing who tried all they could to divide the church.


The Pastor Adeboye led the Redeemed Christian Church of God has suspended the Senior Pastor of the City of David Parish in Lagos State, Idowu Iluyomade.

The suspension of Iluyomade, who also heads the Apapa Family of the church’s annex, came after the elaborate 60th birthday celebration of his wife, Siju.

According to a source who spoke with Church Times, the pastor got the letter of his suspension over the weekend and was replaced by Pastor Charles Kpandei of the church’s Resurrection Parish Region 11 with immediate effect.

The source added that Iluyomade was suspended for three months by the Governing Council of the church after a panel was constituted to look into the allegations against him and the parish





According to a source who spoke with Church Times, the pastor got the letter of his suspension over the weekend and was replaced by Pastor Charles Kpandei of the church’s Resurrection Parish Region 11 with immediate effect



It would be recalled that his issues almost tore the church apart around February/March 2024 after the death of Herbert Wigwe.



Also, recently, one Sunday Baruwa instigated a N20bn Suit Against MFM, Dr Olukoya and His Lawyer but was Dismissed last week. Also, one one Pastor Femi Jimoh alleged that MFM and it’s leadership framed him of robbery but the church has now exposed him that he waa not framed but waa caught in the act.


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Socialists, CSOs back Governor Fubara on probe of Wike’s administration



Socialists, CSOs back Governor Fubara on probe of Wike's administration

…Charges Fubara to help state recover stolen funds, community lands


Coalition of Civil Society Organisations has declared support for the move by Governor Sim Fubara of Rivers State to probe the immediate past administration in the state.


Socialists, CSOs back Governor Fubara on probe of Wike's administration

The CSOs in a statement by its convener, Comrade Declan Ihekaire, said probing the administration of Nyesom Wike will enable the state to recover stolen funds to support the governor’s developmental projects.

Ihekaire said: “We are in full support of Governor Fubara probing and investigating the immediate past administration in the state.

“Even though the Governor was past of the administration but probing the Wike-led government is an indication that Fubara has the interest of the people at heart.”

On his part, the President of the Society for Open Justice in Nigeria, Oloyede Kadiri, raised an alarm over a clandestine move by a faction of the Rivers State House of Assembly to upturn an interim injunction by a Rivers State High Court, restraining the Martin Amaewhule-led faction from parading themselves as legislators.

Kadiri said the former members of the Rivers State House of Assembly led by Martin Amaewhule had devised extra-legal means to upturn the Rivers State High Court ruling.

“The Martin Amaewhule-led faction of the Rivers State House of Assembly has elected to throw caution into the wind.

“We have it on good authority of their efforts towards turning the law on its head through extra-judicial means. This indeed portends grave danger for democracy in Rivers state and Nigeria.

“This group of former lawmakers, with the backing of some forces in Abuja, have made overtures to the Justices of the Appeal Court to upturn the ruling of the Rivers State High Court restraining the 25 defendants from meeting/sitting at the auditorium of the House of Assembly Quarters or any other place whatsoever to purport to carry out the legislative business of the Rivers State House of Assembly.”

The group alleged that hefty sums of money had been earmarked for the project to get a favourable ruling from the Appeal Court.

“These former lawmakers have made it clear that what money cannot do, more money can do. They have bragged about control of the judiciary by their patron in Abuja and that the ruling of the Rivers state High Court will be upturned.

“The attempt at compromising the justices of the Appeal Court is a coup on democracy. Those whose actions and inaction have contributed to the political impasse in Rivers State are enemies of democracy.

“If this anomaly is allowed in Rivers State, it can happen in any state in the country. The implication would be the end of democracy or any semblance of democracy in Nigeria.”

The group also warned the 25 former lawmakers to desist from political blackmail and other acts that have disrupted governance in the state.

“The group of 25 former lawmakers must realize that their actions in the last year have been embarrassing and made River State a laughing stock.

“They have elected to dance to the dictates of their patron and pledged their loyalty to him rather than the people of Rivers state.

“Their actions also beg the question of what their primary motive is. To serve the people of Rivers State or to serve a master who has vowed to continue to deprive the people of Rivers State the dividends of democracy.

“The Society for Open Justice in Nigeria is alarmed at such tendencies by a group elected by the people, but whose body and soul have been sold to the devil in exchange for a plate of porridge.”

The group further called on the Justices of the Appeal Court to resist the overtures to compromise and give a ruling in favour of the 25 lawmakers.

“The Society for Open Justice is calling in the Honourable Justices of the Appeal Court to resist all the overtures by some vested interest in the Rivers State debacle. We know the tremendous pressure from different quarters to obstruct justice.

“Their paymaster has boasted that he controls the judiciary, which remains an affront to our sensibilities as a people and a country. He has openly attacked the reputation of the judiciary in the country.

“We are confident that the Honourable Justices of the Appeal Court would resist their overtures and stand on the side of equity, justice and fairness.

“Nigeria is not a banana republic where individuals ascribe to themselves the power to violate the rights and privileges of the people.”
It would be recalled that there has been a running battle for controlling the Rivers State House of Assembly, with 25 former lawmakers loyal to the former governor of the state decamped from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressive Congress (APC). This move opened a litany of litigation.

Justice CN Wali of the Rivers State High Court in Port Harcourt issued an interlocutory injunction, barring Speaker Martin Amaewhule and associated lawmakers from further sitting and parading themselves as members of the state House of Assembly, pending the hearing and determination of the substantive suit.

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Bishop Blessing Samuel Bags Humanitarian Award in Caribbean* Clement Emmanuel.






The President and Premier of Anguilla in Caribbean, Dr Ellis Webster recently honored Bishop Blessing Samuel the General Overseer of Royal Place Ministry Int’l with Humanitarian Award. This prestigious award recognizes his significant contributions to the body of Christ, particularly his efforts to support and uplift the downtrodden.

According to Dr Ellis Webster, he said *It is my distinct honour as Premier of Anguilla to grant permission for Ms. Condon Adams, Anguilla’s First Canival Queen (1974) to present the Humanitarian Award to Bishop Blessing Samuel, General Overseer of Royal Place Ministries Int’l on May 26th 2024.*

Bishop Blessing Samuel ’s commitment to his members and followers has earned him widespread admiration and respect. Congratulations to Bishop Blessing Samuel on receiving this well-deserved award.

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