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​Hon. Igbalaye Wasiu Ayodele  Felicitates With Muslims, charged them to pray for  Nigeria. 



House of Assembly  Aspirant under the platform of  Labour Party , Representing Abeokuta South   Local Government, consituencey 2 , has charged Muslims of Ogun State and across the nation to use the occasion of the Eid-el-Kabir festival to pray for  the nation, “ 

Wasiu gave his advice to the Muslims  faithful,  he urged them to continue to pray for the peace and unity of state and Nigeria, particularly towards the conduct of the 2019 general elections.

While wishing them a merry Eid-el-Kabir, he enjoined Muslims to remain committed to the teachings of Islam imbibed during this festival season.
He said this while addressing the online publishers (Bloggers)  in Abeokuta, the Ogun  Capital  on Saturday. 

According to Igbalaye , he said i congratulate my fellow  Muslim brothers and sister’s for successfully observing the last Ramadan Fasting, with its life-enriching lessons in the virtues of love, forbearance, unity, patriotism, self-sacrifice.

“In the last one month, I observed the piety and the spirit of giving associated with the month, and therefore urge our Muslim brothers and sisters to remain their brother’s keeper till eternity so as to make the society better for it.

While i will urged them to pray for our leaders,  so that this country can be great again, hon. Wasiu igbalaye is an Admin officer  Ecole Superieure de Technologie et de Gestion ( ESTG) university, he is also the CEO of igbalaye ayodele foundation and the CEO skippo and junior Concept.

He said,  i vowed  to transform Abeokuta South  local government, constituency 2  and make  youths relevant in my government. I believe in grassroots and i want to run a youth oriented government  if elected as house of Assembly  member come 2019 general election.

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Akubo Victoria Leads Kogi East Women In Solidarity Walk For Governor Usman Ododo



The Senior Special Adviser to Kogi Governor on Youth and Women Mobilization, Akubo Victoria has led several women from Kogi East under the aegis of ‘Kogi East United Women’ in a solidarity walk for Governor Usman Ododo.

Akubo Victoria, who is the convener of the initiative, made it known that the walk is to declare support for the good works of the governor and appreciate him for the appointments he has given women in Kogi East.

She stated that for the first time, Kogi East were given two commissioners and that despite the fact that Governor Ododo is an Ebira man, he is regarded as their family because he has performed well since he became governor.

‘’I would give Ododo 100%, he has spent few months in office and for the first time, we have two commissioners from Kogi East that are women. We are not known for tribalism in Kogi East and despite the fact that our governor is in Ebira man, we see him as our family. We are here to tell our people that we love them and we are ready to work with them.’’

One of the members of Kogi East United Women, Comfort Onoja asserted that the time of election has elapsed and that there is need for everyone to deliberate on how to move forward. She called on all aggrieved parties to support the government of Usman Ododo.

‘’It is time for us to sit down and deliberate about what will come for us. We need development and of course there are aggrieved people but we want them to let it go, power belongs to God. It is time to come together because there is no time, we are not going to live in this world forever. Let us come together for the success of this present government.’’

The group were joyfully received by the Secretary to the state government.


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Lagos Monarch, Oba Babatunde Saliu Denies Involvement In Assault Of Pregnant Woman





His Royal Majesty, Oba Babatunde Saliu Oloworo, the revered Monarch of Oworonshoki Kingdom, is compelled to address a fabricated report published by Sahara Reporters on June 3rd 2024. The report falsely alleged that thugs working for the monarch attacked a pregnant woman and her fellow traditionalists.

His Royal Majesty Oba Babatunde Saliu Oloworo vehemently denies this malicious report, stating that it is entirely untrue and a gross misrepresentation of facts.

The monarch assures the public that he does not condone or employ thugs, and his kingdom has always promotes peace, unity and harmony among his subjects.

The report in question is a blatant attempt to tarnish the monarch’s reputation and cause harm to his character.

Oba Babatunde Saliu Oloworo however urges the public to disregard the report and its contents, as it is a product of reckless journalism.

” I, Oba BabaTunde Saliu Oloworo, want to address the recent malicious report published by Sahara Reporters claiming that thugs allegedly working for me beat a pregnant woman to stupor. This report is completely false and defamatory to my character.

“As a educated king with a sound pedigree , I would never resort to violence or use thugs to harm my people.

“I heard a loud voice in front of my palace on June 3rd when some traditionalists walking to perform sacrifice holding horsetails on Sunday night and i stopped them.

“Which festival are you doing that you hold horsetails and walking on Sunday without informing the king, One of them said they are going to do sacrifice, I asked politely which Sacrifice are you doing by this time without informing the king or any other traditional chiefs in the kingdom, the king should be informed if any Sacrifice is to be offered, moreso, that shouldn’t be done at this time when people are still going about there normal business activities.

“I further told them that this is a community where Children, elders and aged move about doing their various businesses.

“I called the Oworosoki Police Division to come, to interrogate them, after a while, I told the police to let them go and i entered my palace.

“It is however surprising where the information came from that i use thugs. As a respected and educated Monarch, I don’t use thugs, i use appropriate authorities to handle my issue. The peace of my community is paramount.

I have also instructed my Solicitors to write a letter to the publisher of the Libelous publication for the retraction for the same and to tender a public apology to me which must be given a very wide coverage in the same way the libelous publication was given and that failure to do this, a petition to the Inspector General of Police for criminal and Cyber bullying under the Cybercrime Act and also sequel to same, a civil action will be filed against them for retraction of the public apology and for damages as there is no justification for the libelous publication.

I here by urge the public to disregard the publication and to not be swayed by the very whimsical, sensational and opportunistic journalism.

I remain committed to the welfare and well being of all my subjects at Oworoshoki Kosofe Local Government of Lagos State.

I will continue to uphold the values, traditions, peace and unity of the community.

I hereby urge the public to disregard such false and baseless accusations and not be swayed by sensationalist reporting.

I remain committed to the welfare and well-being of all my subjects and will continue to uphold the values of peace and unity in our community.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
His Royal Majesty,
Oba BabaTunde Saliu Oloworo

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Stop the strike with immediate effect, prophet Ikuru dares NLC and TUC




By Collins Nkwocha

The prophetic hall of fame, prophet Godwin Ikuru of Jehovah Eye Salvation Ministry has told NLC and TUC to stop the strike in order not cripple and bring backwardness to the nation.

Speaking to newsmen this morning in Lagos, the cleric insisted that strike is not the best option for a nation that is going through a lot at the moment “timing is very important,NLC and TUC has to put a lot of things into consideration, this is not the right time to embark on indefinite strike,the nation does not need this, Nigerians don’t equally need this at this time,they need to stop the strike immediately and engage in further dialogue with the government,this government is operating with the Renewed Hope Agenda which makes it the most sensitive government Nigeria has ever had, whenever the people cry over something,the government listens,the Labour Union should be reasonable and considerate”.

It can be recalled that leadership of the National Assembly had a meeting with the Labour Union yesterday
night,aimed at averting the proposed strike, unfortunately,the meeting ended in a deadlock.

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