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Tinubu breaks silence on Buhari’s health, warns Nigerians



ASUU strike: Bola Tinubu promises 25% budgetary allocation to education

The National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has warned Nigerians against creating unnecessary tension over the health of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Tinubu urged Nigerians to rather stand with the president in prayers instead of using his health to score cheap political game.

DAILY POST reports that President Buhari jetted out Sunday night to undergo further medical check-up in London, UK.

Reacting, however, Tinubu, a former governor of Lagos State enjoined Nigerians not to forget in a hurry that they were the same people that voted overwhelmingly for him during the 2015 presidential election, stressing that creating tension with his health was tantamount to betrayal of trust.

In a statement he personally signed Sunday night, few minutes after the President left the shores of Nigeria, Tinubu urged Nigerians to cooperate with Prof Yemi Osinbajo, who will act as president pending when Buhari returns.

Tinubu in the statement affirmed that, “Nigeria is a place of numerous challenges and the home of vast human potentials. Our greatest challenge has always been how to best direct our vast potentials so that we overcome the challenges that plague us. This cardinal challenge is why the APC was formed and why the party presented then General Muhammadu Buhari as its standard bearer. The people rightly chose him as their president, believing he was the best person to make Nigeria into a better nation.

“His electoral victory was historic. More importantly, like most Nigerians, I believed his presidency represented a historic mission to right many of our nation’s wrongs. I still believe so. The previous administration treated Boko Haram softly, appearing to view the terrorists as part of their political equation rather than a lethal threat to national security. President Buhari has gone after Boko Haram without condition and without fear. He has pushed them back, saving lives and giving northern Nigeria a chance to breathe again the air of peace and normalcy.”

He added that kudos must be given to president Buhari for his victory over the Boko Haram sect in the volatile north east region of the country.

He said, “My recent visit to Borno State to inaugurate projects opened my eyes to the progress President Buhari has made in the anti-terror war. An enabling environment has been created for Governor Ibrahim Shettima who has taken advantage of the peaceful space to initiate laudable projects such as the provision of housing for and rehabilitation of Boko Haram victims. The previous administration treated corruption as its co-tenant in office. “President Buhari has fought it with tenacity, equal to that with which he has confronted Boko Haram.

“We currently face stiff economic challenges. This is neither President’s Buhari’s doing nor choosing. The steep decline in oil prices caused the downturn which exposed our nation’s long-time failure to plan ahead by diversifying our economic base. It has fallen on the Buhari government to fix the immediate problem while also diversifying our economy so that we will no longer be as vulnerable to the price of oil again.

“His policies have begun to bear fruit. We are moving out of recession and toward the long-term reshaping of the national economy. Given the complex menu of problems he has faced, President Buhari has done well in a tough situation. While I seek not to diminish the hardship still faced by many of our people, we also must be cognizant of the important progress made these past two years.

“President Buhari has moved us from the path of failure to a path where we have a fighting chance to realize a better nation. Had we stuck to the ways of the former administration, our present situation would be worse than untenable. Those who publicly speculate about the issue of the President’s health must keep all of this in mind. Much is at stake. We owe a responsibility to be wise and circumspect in what is spoken into the public ear.

“We voted for President Buhari because we trusted his ability to make decisions regarding complex issues of state. If we can trust him to handle difficult matters of governance, we can also trust him to make correct decisions regarding his personal health. The President Buhari I have come to know is an honest and responsible man and leader.

“When he returned to Nigeria on March 10, he disclosed to the nation that he had been sick to the extent that he received blood transfusion and would leave for further treatment at some future date. He said he would follow the counsel of his doctors and there is every reason to believe that he has been true to their counsel. Many people have openly speculated about the President’s health. Some have done so for their own selfish reasons. These people shall be found out in time. There are many who have done so out of sincere concern for the President.

“These people should not be condemned for their heartfelt concern. However, they should be advised not to allow fear to ambush their better judgment and their courage. They should not give themselves to idle speculation. We should not buy into the myth of some cabal at work. Dwelling in empty speculation on the existence of some mythic cabal is not what the country needs at present. From what I can see, the President remains at the helm and his policies are being implemented.

“The President is also showing his belief in process and partnership by assigning more responsibilities to the VP, which included presiding over meetings of the Federal Executive Council, thus demonstrating his trust and implicit confidence in him. “Unfounded speculation serves no purpose other than to encourage those who would rather derail the President’s progressive agenda and who would divisively pit one aspect of this nation against another. Such chatter may foment division where there was none and this might come to impair the management of the affairs of this country.

“By fomenting animosity among groups that have heretofore been allied, those who hold to the bankrupt politics of yesterday seek to thwart the President’s mission while claiming to support him. Those who truly care about the President and the important work he still must do should not allow themselves to become the unwitting tools of these regressive forces.

“We must stand with and beside our President. The unfounded speculation around his health should stop. We must not covet fear and rumor but should engage our creativity and enterprise to help the President accomplish his historic mission. Our greatest energies should be focused on righting this economy so that it provides a decent livelihood for all people. This critical path towards economic recovery must be followed for the sake of our children.”

Sahara weekly online is published by First Sahara weekly international. contact

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Buratai Eulogizes Late Olubadan as a detribalized Monarch who Promoted Unity 



Aare Akinrogun of Ibadanland and former Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. Gen. Yusufu Buratai CFR has described the late 42nd Olubadan of Ibadan Land  , Oba Lekan Balogun, Alli Okunmade II, as a detribalised Nigerian who lived to serve humanity, Nigeria and the people of Ibadanland. He also described his death as painful”.


Buratai Eulogized Late Olubadan as a detribalized Monarch who Promoted Unity 


Buratai stated this on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at the Liberty Stadium, Ibadan, Oyo State, at the civic reception organized for the late Olubadan by the Oyo State Government .




He described the late Olubadan  as a responsible king who dedicated his life and time to promote unity and oneness of Nigeria.



Buratai said the death was a great loss, stressing that “we have lost a friendly, jovial, compassionate and loving monarch”.


Speaking further, he said ” he did not just accord me respect as an elder statesman, I was also honoured with a chieftaincy title of Aare Akinrogun of Ibadanland and i am proud to be associated with the late Olubadan.

Ambassador Buratai who earlier paid a courtesy visit to the family of another Late Olubadan, Oba Saliu Akanmu Adetunji, where he was received by the families and Olori’s of the the Late Olubadan Adetunji, prayed for the family. He informed the family that he was in Ibadan for the final burial ceremony of Late Oba Balogun, and he found it expedient to also visit the families of Late Oba Saliu Adetunji too.




Recalled also that Tukur Foundation a Non-governmental Organization (NGO), also set up a three-day free medical outreach to honour the departed Oba Balogun.

Amb Buratai however pray for the success of the new olubadan too and urge him to build on the legacies of his predecessors.

Ambassador Buratai’s entourage to Ibadan, included the Olowu of Kuta, Oba Hammed Oyelude Makama CON, HRM, Adekemi Omorinbola, the Regend of Asin, Iwaro- Oka, Major General Bulama Biu (rtd), the President of the 29th Regular Course, Commodore Teidi (rtd), Brigadier General Muazu, the Garrison Commander, Division 2 Garrison Command, Colonel Emmanuel Adegbola (rtd), Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi, Alhaji Ibrahim, Danfulani, the Sadaukin Garkuwan Keffi, Mr Femi Oyewale, the Publisher of Sahara Weekly, Barrister Lateef Onijo and others.

Buratai Eulogized Late Olubadan as a detribalized Monarch who Promoted Unity 

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Autopsy reveals drug reaction as possible cause of Mohbad’s death As Predicted By Pro Kingsley 



How prophet Kingsley Aitafo Accurately Prophesied Sisi Quadri death

Autopsy reveals drug reaction as possible cause of Mohbad’s death As Predicted By Pro Kingsley

The prophet with the prophetic grace upon his life, prophet Kingsley Aitafo has once again proven that indeed God speaks through him.


Autopsy reveals drug reaction as possible cause of Mohbad’s death As Predicted By Pro Kingsley 

In his Prophetic releases he revealed that we should pray for Mohbad because the autopsy report might claim it was drug they discovered as possible cause of death.

And as confirmation, the autopsy report on the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, has revealed drug reaction as a possible cause of his death.

According to The Cable, the autopsy and toxicology test, which were conducted at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, suggested the possibility of a fatal anaphylactic shock or drug reaction as the possible cause of Mohbad’s death.

Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening.

According to the report, the hospital retrieved samples of the late singer’s gastric contents, blood, bone marrow, liver, kidney, and lung for a toxicology test.

The report was said to have showed traces of Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine, in the late singer’s blood system.

Antihistamines are drugs used to treat allergies, stomach problems, colds, and anxiety, among other conditions.

The autopsy report was, however, said to have revealed that the concentration of the drug was not fatal or lethal to harm or lead to his death.

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How Oluwo Of Iwo Was Jailed In The US By Tunde Odesola



How Oluwo Of Iwo Was Jailed In The US By Tunde Odesola


Nestling aboard an incoming Delta Airline flight from Atlanta, Georgia on May 10, 2024, the window-seat view of the landscape and skyscape of Ikeja cityscape was gloomy. The giant American bird called Boeing glided through the clouds before swooping down intently like a hawk in hunt. There were no trees, no greenery in sight from my Skyview as Lagos spread out like a ghetto cast in concrete, iron, rubble and filth.




How Oluwo Of Iwo Was Jailed In The US By Tunde Odesola

“Where are all the trees the Babatunde Fashola administration planted,” I asked myself. I answered myself, “Felled by the Godfather and his mafia who were happy to throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Like the Champions League is to Real Madrid, Lagos has become a political trophy belonging to the MD – Master Dribbler – who has dribbled his way to the Centre, and Nigeria now lies unconsciously at his feet.

The plane touched down around 10 a.m. Welcome to Nigeria! After about eight years, it felt good to be back home. A national anthem war would soon rage between ‘nationalists’ and ‘colonialists’, amid chants of ‘Arise, O Compatriots’ and shouts of ‘Nigeria, we hail thee’. The national anthem war was avoidable if leadership had a meaning in Nigeria. But leisurely, Captain Bourdillon draws hard on his cigar, steering the wheel of the sinking Nigerian ship back into slavery waters. The controversial descriptions of Nigeria as Fatherland and Motherland in the two national anthems show that Nigeria urgently needs a DNA test to confirm its legitimacy.

As passengers disgorged from the belly of the bird, I caught a whiff of the perennial Nigerian virus when a dirty-looking lady in mufti, whose wrinkled skin betrays bleaching cream overuse, held a ‘gentleman’ in suit by the hand, and led him from the back of the queue towards the front. Ironically, the queue was fast-moving.

I raised my voice in protest. “Una no even allow the plane land before una begin una madness! You, yeye man, you fit jump queue for US? You, (pointing at the ‘immigration’ woman), take that man back to the end of the queue from where you took him!”

I heard the yeye man tell the clutchy lady, ‘I told you it’s wrong, I don’t like causing a scene’ but the woman held his hand and led him on, all the same, prompting me to raise my voice louder, cussing and embarrassing them both.

An old man at my back in the queue said, “Young man, when last did you come to Nigeria?” I told him I didn’t understand his question. He continued, “Nigeria is not America. That’s the way we are here o.” I told him, “Every society needs eternal vigilance to oil the wheels of justice and fairness.” He shrugged, “Well, I agree.”

In no time, I was done with immigration and I landed at the carousel for my luggage. My luggage didn’t arrive on the plane: come tomorrow. Ok. No wahala. Tomorrow is a stone’s throw.

I hopped into a taxi. Portable omo Olalomi hopped in with me. The car stereo blared: “Ara adugbo (Zeh) /Tuntun ti de o (Zeh) /Zazoo (Zeh) /O po leti (Zeh) /O ye ke ti ma gbo (Zeh)… /Baddo sneh (Zeh) /Pepper sneh (Zeh) /Many many were wa n le (Zeh) /Ahh, repete (Zeh) /Unruly (Zeh) /Baddo Lee (Zeh) /Hacker (Zeh) /Ika (Zeh) /Te s’oju e (Zeh)… /Eje loju bi t’Abacha (Zeh) /Run’ju pa (Zeh) /Le’ju pa (Zeh) /Ma rerin (Zeh) /Kala (Zeh) /Daju (Zeh) /Hu wa ika (Zeh)… If you don’t understand these Yoruba lyrics, just imagine Adolf Hiler, ogres, members of Nigeria’s political class, together with Satan and his angels in a dark hall – you’ll understand the level of mercilessness Portable portrays in Zazoo.

‘Zazoo’ is the story of Nigeria’s degeneration. Though it has a multiplicity of meanings, a central theme of the song includes the glorification of internet fraud expressed in ‘Hacker’, ‘Kolu to n bo kaadi o’. It also praises extreme wickedness in the referenced stanza. Most of the song is street nonsense.

I smiled wryly. The taxi driver didn’t know why. He asked, “You too like Portable, sir?” I kept the plastic smile on and fetched my phone from my pocket. WhatsApp was my first port of call. I scrolled. A senior colleague had sent me news links. They were about the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi.

The senior colleague wrote, “See what you caused.” I skimmed through the texts and thought he was talking about the Oluwo’s aso òkè, which was similar to the one I wore during my father’s burial on Friday, May 17, 2024, in Lagos. I replied, “I’m not royal, I’m a hunter,” asking if he was talking about the aso òkè. My relentless senior highlighted to me the links to a story on the Oluwo done by two British tabloids, The Sun, and The Mail on Sunday.

Both British newspapers called the Oluwo a thief, a misfit, 419 king, Yahoo kingpin, ‘Kolu to n bo kaadi’ and jailbird.

Metaphorically, the reports of the newspapers intone that lacking royalty, honesty, loyalty, pedigree and bíbí ire – a Yoruba word for honour – the life of Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi and his emergence as the Oluwo of Iwo was a plot in the drama of the absurd, where a felon grabbed a crown to desecrate a town.

Specifically, on its May 19, 2024 cover, The Mail on Sunday splashed the picture of Akanbi in a close-up handshake with the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry. The handshake, however, went beyond the elbow when the newspaper befouled the picture with the headline, “Royal Exclusive: Harry and conman Nigerian king twice deported from US.”

The description of the Oluwo as a criminal is the view and product of investigation of the British media, not mine. In a three-part series, ‘Oluwo and the glorification of ignorance’, Tunde the son of Odesola, expressed his views about Oluwo Akanbi in 2022 when he described the conman as a con-king transmuting into a king-kong.

In its publication on May 19, 2024, THE SUN was extensively brutal. The headline of the paper’s story reads, “Dodgy Royal: Nigerian King who Harry called his ‘in-law’ is ‘CONMAN jailed and deported after trying to cash stolen £247k cheque’, with the rider, ‘The ‘Funky King’ (Oluwo) was jailed 15 months in 1998”.

Reporting the three-day visit of the 39-year-old Harry and his 42-year-old wife, Meghan, to Nigeria, THE SUN reveals Akanbi had been deported twice from the US and banned twice for life from entering the US.

THE SUN story reads, “But the Nigerian royal (Oluwo) is a convicted fraudster who was twice kicked out of America. He was allegedly first arrested in Boston in 1998 after he tried to cash a stolen cheque for £247,000 from aviation company Boeing.

Akanbi posed as a successful businessman called Joseph Pigott but cops were alerted by a suspicious bank teller at BankBoston. The conman (Oluwo) was also charged for forging a cheque for £59,000 using the name Thomas Eyring. He was also reportedly jailed for 15 months and deported to Nigeria in April 1999.

His £1,500 fine was waived ‘because of an inability to pay’. Despite being banned from re-entering the US, he was then said to have been caught attempting to cross the border in March 2011. Akanbi was with his then-wife Rakiya Saidu and young son and claimed they were going to New York to shop.

Facing the prospect of a maximum prison sentence of 20 years and a £197,000 fine, Akanbi pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to time served, deported and banned from the US for life a second time.”

If Akanbi had been jailed for 20 years, Iwo would never have witnessed these years of the locust nor would this big calabash of shame hang on the community’s neck. Iwo would’ve remained famous for the honour earned by former Oluwos, including Oba Parin, Oba Lamuye, Oba Samuel Abimbola, and Oba Olatunbosun Tadase among others. The sacred name of Iwo wouldn’t have been stained with dishonour.

If you’re close to Iwo, you could’ve heard their sons and daughters eulogise the impregnable security of the land, saying “Iwo ti o ni ilekun, ti o ni kokoro; eru wewe ni iran baba won fi n de ile.”

O ye descendants of Iwo, is it a mistake that your forebears left the city gateless and keyless? O ye children of Iwo, is it not too late now that a virus has crept onto the throne? Where were the ‘eru wewe’ small slaves sentineled at the gate when Akanbi crept into town? Sé wón gbà’bòdè ni? Did they sabotage?

Then-Governor of Ondo State, Dr Olusegun Mimiko, stood up for integrity when he kicked out the Deji of Akure, Oba Oluwadare Adepoju, from the palace in 2010, for beating his wife, Olori Bolanle.

From Ife to Oyo, Lagos, Ijebu, Abeokuta, Ede, Owo, Benin, Warri, Sokoto, Kano, Bauchi, Gwandu etc, monarchs had been dethroned. Sadly, none of the deposed kings in Nigeria’s history parades the kind of criminal credentials as the Oluwo. Governor Adeleke, ICPC, EFCC, National Council of Traditional Rulers, Yoruba Council of Obas, Iwo kingmakers, Iwo people, over to you. Oluwo must go!

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