Time on Feet

Oh happy day!
Spring-like weather has arrived in Alberta! I took full advantage of it today. I ran my longest run in 2015 ā€“ three hours! Yes I am one of those runners who likes to flip the script and run in time not kilometres.
I learned quite some time ago that it is important “to spend time on your feet” when training for ultras. Every other week I like to set a time like three hours and just go run at a nice leisurely pace. Even a nice long hike is considered solid training. Mentally focusing on time can be a nice change too. I look at my Garmin less when I know I have to run three hours as opposed to clocking a 30K training run.
I prepared myself for being utterly bored on my run. I’ve run around Red Deer many, many times that I am ready to pull my hair out. I haven’t run through Heritage Ranch in a few months so this change might have kept my sanity. 

I didn’t see many runners on the trail. No doubt they are all resting up for tomorrow’s Hypothermic Half in the city. I had planned to volunteer but I didn’t get a call from the organizers. Instead I will be shooting for a photo page in the paper. 
Can’t wait to cheer on my running pals Laura and Liz. 

Tell me: Do you run in kilometres/miles or by time?

1 Comment

  1. I run in kilometers but try not to focus on them when I run. That can be hard to do! We are slowly getting spring like weather however a big storm is coming Sunday (for the love of God…please turn to spring ASAP).

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