S H Gurusiddappa vs T V Niranjan Kumar on 16 July, 2008

Karnataka High Court
S H Gurusiddappa vs T V Niranjan Kumar on 16 July, 2008
Author: Anand Byrareddy

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5 at-u..5x:nnm madam
:m::».31£J/1, S" moss, I Bmcx
B..T.}c'!sGA£l, BAKGALIORE 560 832

5.. THE UNITED mm». msumxca czxmmn  *

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aayaasezwrezn av aamm Mmasmti’ :

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mm r11;nn__u;s 3.f.r3:1,:’.%oz tvrv AGAIHST THE
aunsnsm’ AND_ ‘Mam: ;1z».a.*rs’3:2’4’~..V*:%,_a3 mssmn IN rm:
m:r.w9,-’94 are ET?-IE P1us”‘oa*’.*nm”v–r~nL. cnm. suns:
tan. ma.:y….1s1’~2.m::’–fJ’,” .j;’rjJ’2~:Kus#.,’–«,%mRTw ALWING ‘ma
CIJXIM PE’1’IT1i:CiI%i i?€:~§1_”[.._”$C0*i£*R2~1’..3,i&TIO!fi AND SEEKING
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2£§fi£”‘#:£2a§1%sgd’-.:§R–..mi: I-IEARZNG TI-I15 mm. ‘I’H’E
cnzmr nE£.I\mR1§:Vz”‘VI’j_Ij-I3’ m’£..L<:wING:

'V 2. as It 3 1 'r

ccumael for tim appellant and

ti*;a"'vcé:31:i1$ '¢5.i.'5':fnr zrespondaaents 2 and 4.

x fig'.-:"2'ha appellant was as claimant in INC
._ i§fG';-£.:§!9f94. ms was travelling in a motor; bus

-wrisan the same has met with an accident and as

a. result vf which has has auffezed fxracture of

bath beans: at his left leg, fracture of the



denied fair and just: campanaatiorx. in that,

the Tzzibuxml has next addressed the ae:i93§:1 §a_a

of the injuries and disability .

appellant harboura and thy.’ _£ut1_1i:’e” ‘ 1:3:.<:~ éI"n§V".Vo£V'4 " " 2

earmfiug cxapac.-ity as well 1:15

Hence, wcmld seek enhar:'é;u-:o;ant"'-M3 co:2fi;;t$'h%a..m;1;i=.bny

4. Courzaal .1~Ie.6 remains
absent. Thofagh ‘dhclj earned to
ensure hi; ’55 th’
recorfi award of the
‘rrihui;_a1._ um the Tribunal has

px9cead e?’d: ta the claim petition in

an _§;4£f+harxd ~ in the sense that the

the medical widence adduced on

: {:11 _ appellant has been ovarloakéd

V _ thifi aéaeunt or compensation made: several

“.,.VV:<:+.:':?.:q:;fez§f:.i.<2;z1a.1 beams does appeau: tr: be on the

iixiaraiir side. It is apprapriata that the

"'t2:ibu:1al reczvsznaider the maniical evidence and

pass an appropriate mud; under vanious

conventional heads .


5. The appeal is accordingly, allowed.

fihe award of the Tribunal in set guide ¢nfi §h§

Matter is remitted tar fresh congi&6fi&fiida?.

with zaferenca to the matex;gl_an5r§¢$§d:= _ .4″

taunts: I..lllI.lII..l|:I_ILJIl Inn nxng-4-nu’ n


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