Enough is Enough

Not what you want to see on a spring morning.

Last week we speculated that spring

. . . was about to s p r o u t.

Well, we were wrong . . .

because it just kept S N O W I N G.

Knowing the snowpack will help ease Central Oregon’s drought conditions doesn’t make these recurring snowstorms any easier to endure.

It’s the beginning of April and just the other day I had to shovel four inches of snow off our driveway. Enough is enough.

Two different winter weather watch alerts limited our road trips this week. Being stuck at  home did encourage us to complete some overdue projects.

Typical sight on our morning walks. Did you know it takes a snowflake approximately 45 minutes to fall from cloud to earth.? Yeah, we didn’t.

Once again the forecast is looking more spring-like so there are plans for some road trips coming up.

Now we just need to endure this weekends’ winter weather warning.

One Reply to “Enough is Enough”

  1. I’m soooo over this cold weather! We’ve gotten snow but at least it’s not as deep as yours : ) Love the look of your productive day.

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