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Proper backup solution crucial as SA battles load shedding

July 26, 2023 1:53 pm by: Category: BUSINESS, Energy, Featured, Local, National, NEWS Leave a comment A+ / A-

JOHANNESBURG – SELECTING the right backup power solution is vital for ensuring energy independence and uninterrupted functionality as load shedding continues to disrupt daily life in South Africa.

Sungrow’s residential solution addresses the key criteria for a reliable and sustainable backup power system.

By integrating solar power, efficient energy storage, and intelligent energy management, Sungrow empowers consumers to take control of their energy needs.

Sungrow, the global leading inverter and energy storage system solution supplier, believes embracing its revolutionary solution will mitigate the impact of load shedding and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for South Africa.

The company boasts a 26-year track record in the photovoltaic (PV) space. Its products power over 150 countries worldwide.

As South Africa battles its worst electricity crisis in years, Sungrow has offered tips on choosing a residential solution for energy independence.

The abundance of backup power solutions on the market can make it challenging to make an informed decision.

Options range from traditional diesel generators to renewable energy systems like solar and wind power.

Consumers need to carefully consider several factors when selecting the ideal backup power solution for their needs.

Key criteria for consideration include 24/7 back up, seamless switch, safety, quiet, cost-effectiveness and scalability.

Sungrow proposes its residential solution with SH6.0RS and SBR battery.

The solution offers a comprehensive approach to combat load shedding while promoting energy independence.

Key features include 24/7 power backup with seamless switch, easy installation with modular design, fast charging within 2 hours between each load shedding gap, ten years warranty with service support nationally, 0 accident rate and resistance to lightning, fire, water and dust.

– CAJ News

Proper backup solution crucial as SA battles load shedding Reviewed by on . by AKANI CHAUKEJOHANNESBURG - SELECTING the right backup power solution is vital for ensuring energy independence and uninterrupted functionality as load sheddi by AKANI CHAUKEJOHANNESBURG - SELECTING the right backup power solution is vital for ensuring energy independence and uninterrupted functionality as load sheddi Rating: 0
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